…:::✯ 💀 Armor✯:::…

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:top::radio_button::hammer_and_wrench: I propose to introduce a protective bulletproof vest that absorbs certain types of damage, to familiarize yourself with the test characteristics, I suggest reading / studying the information located in the lower description of the offer:hammer_and_wrench:

:ballot_box_with_check: The standard characteristics of “Body armor” should provide piercing / cutting, bullet, explosive, fragmentation damage absorption, as an additional equipment should have a weight category, should not have a practical function

:ballot_box_with_check: For crafting additional protection, it should require a decent amount of materials, since I recommend comparing this equipment with a luxurious improvement in survival characteristics

:ballot_box_with_check: It is not capable of protecting the carrier from gas, fire, electrical influences, when natural damage is inflicted, to reduce the state of strength simultaneously with the amount of health, the protection /health strips are synchronous, it is possible to add a repair function if its basic condition corresponds to the possibility, and is not lower than 20%

:children_crossing:This recommended innovation will allow players to immerse themselves in a new factor
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The presence of a complete set of auxiliary protective equipment will expand the game mechanics, it is possible to implement protection classifications, accordingly reduce the number of medications, add realism, possibly improve survival, place additional storage cells, if you think the positive effect of body armor on the game atmospheric dynamism, please take part in the vote, and share your opinion / comment
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11:heart_decoration:These gif animations are designed for this GENERATION ZERO gaming audience, regarding the provision of detailed information comparable to the initial test presentations, if you liked the gif animation / initiative of this proposal, please support with a like, take part in a text discussion / add variations of your relative representations of the external texture of a hostile NPC, thank you for your attention, follow the news 12

…:::✯ :skull:Armor✯:::…
  • :running_shirt_with_sash: I find the bulletproof vest useful
  • :no_pedestrians: I think there is no need for it
  • :recycle: I’m not ready to make a choice right now
    P.S: “I’d rather leave a detailed comment”

0 voters

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Mate, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but are these gifs really necessary? It makes your idea look like more of a shitpost than a serious thing


Friend, please just play the game before making all your “great” suggestions.

The mechanic of bulletproof west is not in the game however bulletproof clothing can be crafted already. On august 23 there will be some revamp of the crafting system, what this entails is not yet clear but maybe you could just play the game and try all functions of it before making all these posts.

Stop it with the gifs, your posts look like bot-spam!


it looks beautiful what are you all whining about, it’s visually different from standard publications, I’m trying to embellish the same type of text editing style

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Hmm… as FreeCandy already noted, there are several ways to craft bulletproof clothing and one can spend skill points on resistances, health, etc.
So imho a “bulletproof vest” would be somewhat too OP in addition to the means that are already ingame.

Oh and I definitely second the opinion that all those gifs in your posts are way too much and even may have the potential to inflict problems to persons which are prone to photosensitive epilepsy because of all that flickering and stuff…

My 2 Ct.


No it is not.
People complain because it is not beautiful.
In the other topic with the guy going to the effort of recording and posting a video of how he is blocking your posts could be a good hint.

For no good reason.

Either you have a post that actually have something good to say or you dont.
Spamming your flickering 90s-virus-webpage gifs will not improve your message.


“Not everything that glitters is gold.”

Everything else just has been said by others.


I miss the “Ignore and Punish”-Button in the forum. (grain of sarcasm) To much GIF’s and senseless infos. This is a >forum< and not “TikTok”.


only one user was indignant and let the user of the past years block me, we live in the modern world and positivity should be present, I will not throw out bright gif animations anymore, I will stick to the classics as I edited previous posts

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Not only one person was angry. A lot more user thought this is spam. (Includes me)


I would be happy if we could craft or at somepoint buy the Russia armour sets with a minor bonus attached to it ( but nothing o.p)


@Forever_Foxy Okay, I’m putting my foot down here. First of all, there are already plenty of topics covering the suggestions you’ve made so far. Secondly, the number of gifs you are using is too much. The Code of Conduct states it pretty well;

Do not try to draw attention to your post by posting in all capital letters, using excessive punctuation, etc. While everyone wants their posts read, we ask that you refrain from using sensational tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Let your post stand on its own merit.

Edit your posts to remove the gifs (flashing banners, etc) or the associated topics will be deleted.



Hopefully not, because of… reasons…


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I will edit a little animation in this post because only this publication was not pleasant to some

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out of 50 people, 30 liked

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I edited unusual posts, it is much more interesting for users to study them than boring text if you want to delete them, then delete me from the chat too so that I could no longer be here, I did not commit anything illegal if I study the statistics.

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Which statistic do you mean?
Your poll above with 12 votes and 8 against the suggestion? Where or what are you refering to with your “30 out of 50 liked”?

As one said above or somewhere else, your gifs don’t make your ideas more interesting. They make them look like spam. Or like a traffic accident… No one wants to see it, but everyone is looking at it.

It just distracts from the content of the text in this case. Maybe that’s your intention, to get at least the three likes besides of your own?

But the truth is that the content is the only thing that counts for our critical community.

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We re still little humans.

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You’re reading it wrong, hun. The “Likes” thing on the post at the top displays the number of likes given to comments in this thread. There is a like button directly on your post, which is where people can click in response to your idea. As of this message, it’s standing at a grand total of 1 like.

If you need further evidence, count up all the likes given to posts on this thread and others, and you’ll find that they always match the likes counter at the top.


I’m not cleaning up this one or any of the other topics you’ve made, but don’t overdo it with gifs next time please. And look around the forums, many have offered ideas on how to improve the game that may suit your interests.