Fire an LMG even a few rounds, say 10 rounds, at a time at a 12CM circle, 3 of the rounds land in the circle, 7 land outside the circle. 100 rounds and 30 hit and 70 do not. You can stand closer and get more in that small spot, but if it is a level 6 KVM 59 your character will take more damage than the machine you are aiming at. You can also ADS to get a few more rounds in the circle, but the large spread is still there. That is why the shock ammo and the electric lightning do so well with the LMGs.
Sweep an LGM back and forth when using shock ammo and its more effective than placing them close together.
Learn to use a few weapons well and you will not be burden to carry so many other weapons.
I dont usually use that weapon, so that is not an issue for me.
Pardon me?
Now that is a way to offend a GZ Veteran.
Ive been playing this since 2019!!! I know how to play well and alone!
Its more fun to have 5 or 6 of weapons, and to cycle through them,each one has a purpose, and changing different weapons to fill the same weapon class is interesting.
I came here to give advice, not to receive it!
May I jump in?
I personally assumed he meant that as general advice for all players, not towards you.
I could be wrong, especially as english isn’t my first language, but that’s how I read it.