Cant finish any main missions on PS4

Plattform: PS4

First, love this game.

But now its getting my really down.

Cant finish two main missions: Flying Objects and Lost and Found.
Lost and found, done all objectives. Destroyed the shipment of fuel, but the game
still belives that there is fuel to be destroyed in the bunker. THERE IS NOTHING THERE.
and according to the log, all objectives has been fullfiled. Still… stuck.

Flying objects. Everything found including the journal and all objectivs are fullfiled. But no,
cant finish the quest. Stuck


Beat flying objects by shooting the vases in the mission where you get the key. Lost And Found is still being worked on.

Heyo, @RighteousTheory is correct. The devs have responded to these issues in this thread. Hope it works for you as well :slight_smile:

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Hi there i got the same problem with destroying the energy cells… everything is destroyed but the quest is activ

Killed all the evil flower pots. and that solved Flying objects!

thanks for the support. Awaiting next patch to resolve lost and found.

//Br Branx