Companion hitbox and behaviour

As a suggestion i thought i would be good that your and your friends companion should be able to phase through you and not just push you, its a small annoyance when you are riding with ur friend on a bike and your companion bulldozes your friend, funny, but slightly annoying.

And in a similar way your companion shouldnt be able to push dead machine corpses around, ive had my dog push a hunter corpse extremely far down a hill, and also push a dead harvester corpse that i was using as cover from a tank.

I forgot to mention your companion also does get stuck inside walls of bunkers and pushes you inside terrain, i just recently had a friend get pushed by my dog inside a wall in the Uttern bunker and he couldnt get out.

If that’s even possible…
Could also bring other problems like companions phasing into walls, grounds, objects or whatever.

Regarding this they should, however, just be related to the machines weights.
Like a runner has a weight of 250kg, a seeker 100kg, a hunter 4 tons, tanks and harvester each 20 tons, for example. Heavier machines should be able to move lighter ones but not vice versa.
No matter if dead or alive.

I don’t see that behavior at all. When I am on my bike my companion never comes in front of me. It is rather far back most of the time. I would love it if it would run next to me.

That is true i failed to mention how your companion can push you inside the terrain in bunkers, easy fix would be to phase your companions hitbox with urs. And yeah the weight suggestion sounds good but then it creates a possibily that your dog gets stuck on harvesters and tanks that are downed, easier would be if your companion would just consider dead harvesters and tanks as terrain and not even try to run through or at them.

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I specified that my companion bulldozed my friend off his bike, because i was further along the road than my friend.

Ah, I see. :coffee:

This was noted as fixed in the last update.
But I guess it just refered to own bikes, not the ones of other players.

The companion is quite suicidal, now that is an issue

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Seems so, your companion cares about your safety, and thats about it xD. Tho my own companion has pushed me around aswell, a few times into water and such.