Drowning on dry land

Got a bug that’s happened twice now, was walking through an open field and all of a sudden I was drowning (in a loop), both times it was in different areas. Seems the only way to fix it is to quit the game and reload. Just got around to finding the places where this happened one was in the fields at Seggesta Farm and the other was leaving the safe house at Litorp.

Yeah, it happens. You can have a look at my bug report here.

“Drowning on dry land” - Great 80s/90s reference! Andy Fairweather Low? I’m humming it in my head right now!

Had that a couple of times, you can (on the XBox anyway) manage to fast travel out of the loop of death.

Same thing just happened to me outside the missile silos at Normyra. I was walking away from the guardroom (and gates) in the direction of the road that seems to just peter out. I went straight into the trees on the right (as is my custom) and down I went.

I was able in the two seconds of possible action in each loop to call up the map, which showed me in the water off the coast opposite Normyra - so I had travelled 6-700 metres due North. I was also able to right click on a safe house and at the second attempt to teleport to it, so did not have to lose my way or time… I was trying (in those two seconds) to run/jump towards the shore and moved thirty metres or so (took me a while) but when I got there could not jump out onto dry land before we went round again, so that was why I tried to teleport (successfully).

Curiously, as I went in I fell through the land, but then through a different landscape underneath, which was water and shoreline, and then through that again. As I went round it was just the seascape, and I wondered if I was going to dream it tonight, 'cos it’s weird!

I’m on PC and Steam.

Oh man, you gave us a rich and litterary description of this breathtaking terminal state experience. Thank you.

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