Experimental clothing and the vanguard

I have killed a few rivals on level 25. So far i havent got any experimental weapons, but i have got some experimental clothes. What is the point of them? Also it would be great if someone gave me an explanation on clothes, as i dont understand apparel crafting. Finally what is the vanguard? thanks for any answers. :slight_smile:

The Vanguard Is the Special Ability at the end of the 2nd gun skill tree, it lowers the damage you take by 25% also exp clothing is just to look cool unfortunately no special effects but they look legit…

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All tutorials are present in-game, under “Log -> Tutorials”. E.g:


Tell you what ticks me about crafting clothing. You get given a schematic for a three star anti-explosive shirt. Can you make it? No. You have to have the one and the two star before it is of any use to you at all. So, I have just been round and picked up all the two-star clothing. There are 24 of them. So in order to have your pick of three-star clothes ('cos you’ve only got one off a machine), you have to find 48 (count them!) schematics.

Imagine that you pick up a four-crown rifle, but cannot use it unitl you have found the one-crown, two-crown and three-crown weapons of that type.

Now, I looked at a video, made notes and went round to find them, and now, to use my one three-star shirt that I got off a machine, I have to do the same for the one-stars. All 24. If I didn’t look at a video, I’d be at it for a thousand years.

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It gets worse, I have a 5 star schematic and i can´t use it, because i still need the 3 and 4 star schematics which are random drops from rivals.
In most games it does not matter, if you find better schematics as long as you have the ingredients you can make them.
Weapons being random loot i understand, but schematics not, at least they should all be somewhere hidden or very well guarded, not random drops.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Schematics - Lets talk about it

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