FNIX Rising worth to buy?

That very much depends on how you’re playing it. I’m playing it hardcore style with low level character, no fast travel and on Guerilla, and I’ve spent 4 hours and only finished the 1st mission.

My playstyle is to stealth and search for goodies before I move on. Rather saving mission for later, than to rush through them like you need the catch the bus. No fast travel as well. I also want to do as many of the challenge tree as I can. I haven’t finished the challenge trees of the main game yet. But for me it only finished when I have found and did everything.


Yeah, well and after the missions, some other parts of the new content I need to work on:

  • Explore new locations
  • Collect all new collectables
  • Collect all new crafting recipes
  • Collect 5-star melee weapons
  • Complete new challenges

I easily foresee at least 100 hours of new gameplay.
I think €8 is pretty fair for the DLC update.

Definitely! I am going to check out fort T see if that has any FNIX defences ( That is when it comes out on console)

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Now, on that note Xezr - are you able to replay any of FNIX dialogue in the log…like a cassette playback?

I understand there’s over 100 schematics now

No idea… Haven’t really delved into the depth of the DLC yet. Would be nice to listen to again, if possible.

Yep - gonna need several harvesters to farm that […] :wink:

I’m kinda lucky. A group of us have prepared for this very outcome - and each have a full map of L4 Rivals to milk. Fingers crossed we all take a good bite out of it.

Same - although solo, I’ve got a map full of rivals that I saved for the update - just because

I would strongly suggest getting in a group with 3 others to ALL improve your odds