Game changes my location on each start - Not spawning at the safehouse I last fast traveled to on continue

Say I close the game and I’m in one particular safe house. When I fire the game up again, even if it’s within a few minutes, I’ve been moved to a random safe house elsewhere on the map. I’ve just had it where I was in Alby Church and had to close the game to go see to some family business yet when I get back 10 minutes later and fire the game up I’m sat at a Campsite near Savered.

That’s certainly strange, but at least the safehouses you get spawned in to are already unlocked, right? It’d be pretty bad if this was spawning in not yet unlocked safehouses.

Other than that, I think maybe once you leave your character, it goes on it’s own. We never eat and sleep in the game, so the possible off-time is when we log off. Just… theoretically. There’s never any indication, so I can’t say this is intentional. This is how I would write it off if it’s not destructive in gameplay by unlocking random safehouses for you. Otherwise, why not just fast travel back to the point you left it at?

Maybe I imagine you stopped playing in the middle of somewhere, which then spawns you in a safehouse when you relog, but instead of it being to the nearest safehouse of your last location, you’re just somewhere out there… ? I’ve had this randomness of safehouses when I join Co-op, bet it doesn’t stop me from just traveling to a point near the person I joined.

Referring to your example: has Breviken camping been the last safehouse before you got (fast travelled?) to Alby church ?
Just asking because sometimes the game seems to not recognize the last fast travel if you don’t force a save point by e.g. opening the Plundra one or two times and then you’re back in the last safehouse. At least that’s a behaviour my game shows from time to time.

Just a thought


No, hadn’t been anywhere near that campsite for ages.

If you joined a multiplayer game it would spawn you at the nearest available safe house based on which locations the host had unlocked.

Other than that, I have no idea. I’ve only found that my location changes when jumping between single player & multiplayer.

I have never played multiplayer once.

It has been a while (so I’ll probably forget something or maybe something has changed) but maybe this explains what’s happening: The game only saves automatically in certain situations.

That does -not- mean that there is no bug (after all, there are plenty, and switching characters also regularly results in some funny “translocation”) but I think it’s is the most likely explanation.

The game saves:

  • when an objective updates.
  • when your inventory changes (except for bullet count in the equipped weapon(s), it seems).
  • when (if I remember correctly) freshly -unlocking- a safehouse. But there was something strange with trigger lines (in the door opening for example) which you have to walk over in order to actually have the game saved. (But again, it’s been a while and I have no idea if that was addressed in an update. But probably not :wink:).

The game does -not- save:

  • when entering an already unlocked safe house (although, the same as above may apply (with the trigger lines)).
  • when fast traveling to a safe house. Well … actually it -does- save but it saves the game status from -before- fast traveling.
  • when shooting your weapon.
  • when exiting the game.

It entirely depends when the game actually saved your game status. It may be in the middle of nowhere and you may travel several kilometers without the game actually saving. Since the game always spawns you in a safe house it may appear to be very “random” and very far away from the location you were when you exited the game.

If you want to make sure that the game saves before exiting the game: change something in your inventory.

With the old inventory system that was simply a matter of swapping the contents of two inventory slots. In the new inventory system it’s quite a bit more cumbersome but you could, for example, detach an attachment from a weapon and re-attach it. That should do the trick.

And in general: pay attention to the little save icon in the top right corner of the screen, if you want to make sure the game actually saves.

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

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There are two types of game exit:

  • to the Main Menu
  • to the Desktop

If i switch chars (exiting to Main Menu), game sometimes puts my new char to the previous safehouse visited, not in the same safehouse where i quit to the main menu.

However, if i quit to the main menu, and then exit to the desktop - next time i launch the game, i always spawn in the same safehouse i left off.

Of course, i always open Plundra to force the game to save my progression and location before closing the game completely but not always when switching between chars.

Interesting this is when i quit to main menu, i can always see the little save icon at the top right corner. Never quitted directly to the desktop so no clue if game saves then.

Btw, i play on PC and there could be save timer differences between platforms.

Indeed. Actually there are a couple more options to “exit” the game … if you include crashing and ALT+F4. I have ALT+F4’d out of the game literally hundreds of times whilst doing extensive bug hunting and it definitely does -not- save that way. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with that.

Now that we’re discussing it, some memories are bubbling up again. And if I remember correctly, the last character (when switching characters) seemed to spawn in the safehouse where that character actually saved the game. But I have to say that I did not switch characters that often (mostly using them as pack mules), so that might be coincidence.

But it’s funny behaviour in any case.

That indeed seems to be another way of doing it. And now that you mention it: interacting with any other container also saves the game.

I quit directly to desktop about 99.9% of the time. I really rarely go via the main menu. It never saved/saves at the location of the safehouse, in case of fast traveling.

I just tried it out a couple of times and it seems you are correct. If you exit to the main menu then the game indeed saves correctly.

I also noticed that the game saves whenever you win a battle. A few seconds after the message: “Combat won”, the save icon appears.

The funny thing is that the game does -not- save when you lose or escape combat.

And about what I said earlier about those trigger lines: I payed attention to that when entering or leaving a safe house and indeed the game saves when walking over those trigger lines. They seem to be located mostly at the entrances (which makes sense, of course).

However, some safehouses (shacks) are so small that you are basically always within the trigger radius. So, then the game does -not- save when you leave that safehouse but it does when you enter it.
Since the game obviously does not save in those small safehouses after fast traveling to them, it seems that the triggers get activated -after- you spawn.

How handy would it be if there was a “Save game” option in the menu … or simply a choice when exiting the game: “Save, Don’t save, Cancel” … :crazy_face:

After fast forward to a safe house I usually go to and then exit the game, approximately half the time when I start Gen Zero at a later time, I am not at that safe house but at the one I was a prior fast forwarding to the last one.

Make sure to interact with Plundra or your inventory (equip different weapon for example) - this will force the game to save.

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Same issue topics merged.


To keep your last traveled safehouse as your next starting point, open the Plundra before exiting the game. This is what i always do, to save my location before quitting the game.

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