Generation Zero Review

Generation Zero, developed and published by Avalanche Studios, promised an intriguing concept and a unique open-world experience set in 1980s Sweden, but unfortunately, it falls flat in nearly every aspect. With its lackluster gameplay, uninspired narrative, and technical issues, Generation Zero fails to deliver on its potential, resulting in a thoroughly disappointing gaming experience.

Let’s start with the gameplay. Generation Zero attempts to blend survival elements with first-person shooter mechanics, but the execution is severely flawed. The combat lacks depth and becomes repetitive quickly, with the majority of encounters boiling down to mindless shooting at robotic enemies. The enemy AI is remarkably unintelligent, often resorting to mindless charging rather than displaying any strategic behavior. The lack of enemy variety further exacerbates the monotony, leaving players with little incentive to explore or engage in combat encounters. The open-world environment, while initially promising, quickly becomes a tedious and lifeless landscape. The world lacks meaningful interaction or dynamic events, resulting in a dull and uneventful exploration experience. Quests and objectives lack depth and fail to engage players in a compelling manner, often consisting of repetitive fetch quests or simplistic objectives that offer little in terms of meaningful progression or story development.

Speaking of the story, Generation Zero fails to capitalize on its intriguing premise. The narrative is convoluted, poorly explained, and lacks any sense of urgency or emotional investment. The game’s attempts at world-building and lore fall short, leaving players with more questions than answers. The lack of memorable characters or impactful moments further hampers the storytelling, leaving players detached from the events unfolding in the game.Technical issues plague Generation Zero, further hindering the overall experience. Glitches, bugs, and poor optimization are all too common, resulting in frustrating moments and frequent interruptions. The game’s visuals, while decent in some aspects, lack polish and fail to impress. Combined with the lackluster audio design and uninspired soundtrack, Generation Zero fails to create an immersive and engaging atmosphere.

In conclusion, Generation Zero is a prime example of wasted potential. Its promising concept and setting are overshadowed by lackluster gameplay, a poorly executed narrative, and technical issues. The game fails to deliver on its initial promises and offers little reason for players to invest their time and money. If you’re looking for a compelling open-world experience or an engaging narrative, it’s best to steer clear of Generation Zero and explore other options that offer a more fulfilling gaming experience.


What a load of BS.
This is in fact a brilliant game with a wonderful story and it’s actually rather offending to the devs to place these petty lies here on the official forum. This topic is for honest feedback.

Generally, those who write negative reviews are often individuals with a propensity for whining, lacking the fortitude to appreciate a game that may not align with their preferences, and consequently, resorting to dismantling its reputation.


Maybe it could have been true words 4 years ago. But, as too often, it doesn’t reflect the experiences of an experienced player and of how Generation Zero changed over the years.
Yes, it’s still not perfect in some ways, but that’s a matter of taste in most cases. And it’s still under further development… By Systemic Reaction, not Avalanche Studios.

Bad and useless review. :-1:


First of all, I would be interested to know how much time the player spent in Generation Zero!
When the game came out, it was a huge construction site with errors (e.g. crashes) in places, today I can say after more than 800 hours that the game has improved a lot, of course there are bugs in the game every now and then or one Errors in an update that then unfortunately destroy a whole home base, but here too the developers have learned and now have beta testers who report such errors in advance if they occur.


You criticize everything without going into detail. Why is the story convoluted? What is wrong with the visuals, what do you consider polish? What machine are you playing on to complain about optimization?

What promises did it break? Everything on the store page is in the game and working. Why is the gameplay lackluster? What did you expect when you started playing?

Overall I find your review lackluster and poorly founded.


We always welcome feedback here.

Though it’s a bit odd to see a review on the official forums, considering most who spend their time here are avid players of the game (even if their views differ from time to time, but that’s what the forum is for).

If you really want to reach out to people, try a Steam review instead.

As for the review, I feel it’s too short, lacks research and detail about why the aspects are negative.
Healthy feedback would include suggestions for improvement, not just baseless criticism.


This review feels like it could be copy-pasted and used for any game that the person who wrote it played and did not like.


Fun fact: Pasting the review (minus the first paragraph) into an OpenAI detector reveals an approximate ~70% “fake” score.

This could mean several things:

  • Least probable: The review is written 100% by an AI chatbot.
  • Very probable: The review is written with the help of an AI chatbot.
  • 100% certain: The review is written in the same vague, non-specific, repeatable and generic phrases that an AI chatbot uses.

This is completely in line with @FreeCandy’s assessment, that the review is so generic it could be applied to anything if you replace the name.

Considering this pointless review with a high likelyhood of AI-assisted text, I vote to close this thread. :sunglasses:


This review is almost copy pasted from another review from another “new user” 4 or 5 months ago…suspicious

Quite fitting that AI knows how to review GZ IMHO. It does speak facts.

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It is always suspicious when a new member start their first post with an absurd review that everybody knows can’t be true. Opinions are always subjective. Many bad reviews are simply written out of bitterness and the petty need to hurt the game studio. For all we know it might be someone who got banned from the forum or from discord, and want revenge.


Or maybe they honestly think that about the game.

I personally believe that their review is solid, and is mostly true.


Finally it’s an opinion.
And like Gysbert said, opinions are subjective.
With games there are many facts that have influence on an opinion. Personal taste, expectations, personal experiences, personal skill, having no friends for coop and even your hardware are just some of them.

To be true, I might have a different opinion of GZ if I would have played from day 1 (bad start, don’t know of I would have continued playing). Or if would play on an old XBox One S (obviously bad performance, delayed resistance update, crashes,…).

But I don’t have many issues. The game works fine in general. The issues I have… Well I learned living with them. In total I’m satisfied to have the game and to be able to play it. I have fun playing it, especially when doing it with friends.

I once bought the main game and the two story dlcs with discounts. I also bought all other DLCs (except the skins). In total it may have been more expensive than some other full price titles.

But there is no game that I’ve played longer than GZ since I bought my PS4 in 2014 and my PS5 in 2020… In my whole gaming experience there maybe just was Counter-Strike 1.6 which I might have played longer :rofl:. So, for me, it’s worth every single cent.

The wizarding words are “for me” and “in my opinion”…

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Almost none of that review makes any sense to me at all. Maybe the writer played the beginner area and then made up their mind based on that alone? I just can’t fathom how the writer came up with his opinions.


And yet, he never metioned once the biggest beef I have with this game, which is the total lack of ABBA references anywhere on the entire island. This is supposed to be Sweden in the 80’s right?

Not a single take-a-chance, take-a-chance, take-a-take-a-chance-chance or Dancing Queen anywhere to be seen. It’s scandelous.



A-ha… Even if they’re not swedish…
I often have the feeling my characters are running around singing “take one me”. :crazy_face:

Well, we have Benny who was in a rock band, and Abba had a Benny too. :guitar:

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