GZ and... MELLE? weapons?

Now, I am not going to beat this up, but…
Isn’t that like going to a gun (and even missile launcher) fight with a club, basically?

Seems… unhealthy… no? :frowning:

Of course melee weapons don’t make much sense but they are a lot of fun in some circumstances.

For example destroying a relay beacon with a hammer or pulling a seeker from the sky with a bat is always worth a giggle.
And if you don’t care about K/D ratio you can fight off machines at a safehouse with a hammer or bat and save ammo.

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The larger mass asked for it and got what they wanted. This proved to me a couple of things.

Even though I would disagree with the implementation, where only a sledgehammer would be any use, it still was a popular request. When people request by masses, usually the things that may end up being requested don’t make much sense and aren’t what people would think ‘is cool’, because they never thought how it’d actually work until it’s implemented.

It’s not entirely the case of ‘Add this, it’d be cool. Add that, cuz that’d be cool’, but I can see how many ended up requesting and then being unsure whether this is what they wanted. Granted, it satisfied a portion of the playerbase that tend to usually go with wacky builds to kill machines. Small arms against a large tank? Breeze. Some people like the wackyness and run’n’gun aspect. I don’t, but I still can just ignore melees in my own playthrough. It’s the same with difficulty where you have a choice.

I did also request there to be a melee function, but in a different way. I based my idea off of the way that I played the game and at some points when a machine got close asked for a reaction I couldn’t perform. The best example for me was reacting to tick jumpscares. I wanted melee as a button, but to work without the necessity of a melee weapon. The melee >option< would be using a gun stock to bash. It wasn’t even meant to be large in terms of being able to bash a tank and ACTUALLY KILL IT that way :joy:

The bashing with gun stock would mean that you can actually bash and disable a tick if you reacted well or if a runner charged you, you could stun it by bashing right in the head… giving enough time to step back or to a side… In terms of a hunter and it’s blade, it’d basically do nothing.

Honestly, by the level of a hunter it shouldn’t have been effective. A sledgehammer may actually do damage in reality, but because tanks can also get damaged, it feels like machines are made of cheap material. Small deformities with a baseball wouldn’t actually affect a machine’s health or performance, right? A sledgehammer would only be able to create deeper dents in to the metal, but it’s all just a bit silly.

Still, I think I already made this point before :smiley:


I do not like wackiness, in what originally was a more serious game.
These things ruin it for me, but hey, like you said: I am not forced to use them.

Still, to me it is sad, they go all wacky.
Adding these silly things is not my major concern, but it becomes my major concern to see that Machine AI is STILL not fixed after a 5 month absence on my part, or that there STILL are no new machine types.

That should have been, by all means, a priority over melee weapons.
Game has been broken in this regard for far too long, IMHO…