Happy Birthday Generation Zero And Lots of Thank

Hello the whole team of Generation Zero
Happy Birthday to you all and lots of thanks for your work and this really awsome game.
I hope it will be continued for a long time.
Since i play that game i cant’t get my fingers of it and the hours fly away.

During my gameplay a idea rose up in me and so i sat dawn and worked on a story that named
“Helldivers Diary” it will be a story of courageous,faithfull, friendship, sorrow and love.
The Story is dedicated to you all.
I love to write short storys for private use and sometimes i make it a gift to friends of mine.

I send you some extracts of that what i wrote at the time and it will continue. The story will walk along the gamepath and the characters that appear are embedded in it but i think not all will appear in it to make it not so long.

I give the extracts to you as a little birthday present and i hope you enjoy it. Certain music is conceived in the background some text of music will appear for make the story more tensing. You can hear the music on youtube.

If you want the whole what i wrote, let me know it tooks at the moment twentytwo pages.

Please give me a feedback if you like it

Many thanks to you all and celebrate your birthday

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