Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep requirements

No, that’s different.
Base building is still optional, survival elements would be a core element.

It is not optional. You have to deal with the bases. Optional would be the base building/defense was a DLC that you could add or not have on your map.

Only choice is you do not have to build a base. But nothing stops them from becoming fnix bases. And base building was not part of the game 4 years ago. You are no longer hunting machines but attacking bases and then defend them. That is a completely different game.

But can also ignore that, therefore it’s optional, even if it’s always there.

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Completely agree this would add that extra element to it that it needs

Not that you’re wrong, it would add a bit of realism. I wouldn’t play any longer though. If I wanted to eat, drink, be hot or cold, or even need a bathroom break, I’ll do it IRL no need to simulate it too. This is what I found to be annoying in ark and fallout both and I’m happy GZ doesn’t work that way. It becomes too much of a chore to track not to mention it’s going to complicate inventory management even further with the need to carry food, water, and toilet paper.

