I’m new to the game and I signed in with my apex connect account and it puts me on a unlimited please wait screen

I’m not sure what’s going on is anybody out there that can help me or that has any way to get in touch with support I’d appreciate it!

Did you already try that?

What’s your system?

Hey my system is ps5

Are you online?
What’s your connection? WiFi or LAN?
What’s your NAT-Type?

I just tried it and I restored it but it’s still giving me that please wait unlimited screen I tried resetting my game after I restored my account then I got on the game and typed it all in again and it’s still putting me on please wait

Wi-Fi and yes I’m online

What’s your connection speed on WiFi?
Can you connect your PS5 via cable?
What’s your NAT-Type?
What’s your region and your system language? This May also have an influence.

My Nat type is type 2 and my connection speed is 92.7 Mbps right now

USA and English is my thing

Hey what dose it do if I play the game and I don’t have my apex account connected to my PlayStation can I save and do everything still?

Just your connection speed seems to be slow.
You should try connecting it by cable.
That’s a lot more stable and faster.

You can play normally, but don’t have access to fmtel-missions and the weekly procedual missions.

Yea Ik I just don’t have the cable atm I really never had one but I might be able to do that one day

Is that like a bad thing?

No, when I started playing GZ there even were none of them. It’s an additional service to give us some tasks and rewards.