Isn’t this the saddest little scene?

Found these guys shoulder to shoulder at the cliffside next to their tent. Almost had a lump in my throat.


Don’t worry, these are the game’s developers after they received criticism about the May update :rofl:


Inaccurate. The devs would be buried in a bunker somewhere, working their butts off to fix stuff


You’re right, now I understand what bunker 666 is used for :laughing:


That’s sad… :frowning_face:
One of the things I love about this game though, is their way of storytelling through props and scenes. I once found the aftermath of a skirmish in the woods. One crashed truck, a dead resistance member, a dead hunter (presumably one of the attackers) but not far down the road 3 civilians who despite the resistance soldier’s efforts, didn’t make it. It was pretty sad when I came across it.

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Actually I joke because it is a game but, if you dwell on the details you realize how much attention they have placed in the scenography to respect the facts told by the history of the game.
I retraced the roads of the archipelago after the update and they inserted some amazing details. I hope they will do the same with the rest of the map, it’s like having a new game but keeping the results you have achieved. It is taking a lot of effort to make the gaming experience ever new. I can only congratulate the developers.


Very much so. And being a swede myself I’m just simply stunned by the accuracy of the visuals. I mean, the light is exactly the way you would expect early autumn by the sea. The buildings and all the small details - impressive!
But most af all, I’m impressed by how realistic it feels to move around the forests. I’ve been spending some time in different swedish woods, and I must say it’s spot on!


It all makes sense, now.

For me, this scene is flat out, hands down, the WORST scene in the entire game:

It’s not only the setting which puts it ontop of all others but the side mission included with it. I talked about it more here: I want NPCs to talk to me more during missions