Curious to see what “Landfall” means in terms of the coming update. It sounds very grand.
…hope it doesn’t turn out to be nothing in particular, and just a fancy name.
Will there be a region revamp, with a beachhead for an invasion force?
Soviets have already invaded Sweden, by defintion. Might as well make it proper and fill in all the monumental plotholes!
This place looks perfect for a beachhead of an invasion. Airfield included. A total revamp of a region wouldn’t be necessary, but the big isle could be introduced.
That is indeed noticeable. That is obvsious that this island becomes the new DLC because there are also streets visible. But the “Landfall”, when it a landfall is and not only a phrase, could also happen at Muskudden or at the jetty of the Törsberga Fort
It’s obvious that the big NE island is not going to be introduced in an update, but instead will be made available as a major paid DLC. Hopefully, that will happen some time later this year.
«Landfall» will instead have something to do with the areas we’ve already got. It has to be.
Or «Landfall» is just a metaphor for something new they’re gonna introduce… It may not have anything to do with an invasion at all.
But, the plotholes for the soviet presence are severe, and I’m aching to have them answered. But even so, any greater amount of new story or lore is also likely to be put in a paid DLC, and not in an update. So, we may have to just keep waiting for new content.
But as long new story elements, that fill the gap of the soviet presence in the main-game, come with a revamp of one or more regions, it would make more sense.
We have to think about the fact that the game must be playable with other players that don’t own the dlc, too. So any greater additions should be added via (Landfall-) update and added story-elements should make sense even if you don’t have any or for example just one dlc…
… implied they don’t change how dlcs are being integrated into the main-game. If you know what I mean.
Since the next content update has been announced (along with various other goodies) I’ll go ahead and lock this thread now. Further discussions and possibly questions aimed towards the devs regarding upcoming content may be had in #general-discussion.
I can move any posts from here to other relevant threads if people want.