Loot cycle broken

The containers I looted yesterday before I shut down for the night, are still looted today.
“Loot will however begin to spawn again in cleared areas once a few hours have passed.”
This was 12 hours ago, and they’re still looted
Xbox 1

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I think you and I are one in the same in terms of our own issues with the game. Also on Xbox 1.

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I think they forgot to specify that it needs to be ingame hours that have passed… That said, I’m unsure how many that is specifically.

Same thing over here too.

If it’s suppose to be ingame hours, it’s even more strange.

Same issue on PC. 24 hours IRL and 5+ hours of gameplay and loot boxes are still empty that I looted before

That’s messed up. And the toolboxes, that make up like 50% of the loot is empty. Kinda hard to farm then…

How about if Devs introduce a difficulty level mode in the menu (ie. easy medium and hard) to choose from when we start the game so there is no comments on this is too much or this is too less. Example choose Easy mode will give you loots (loot re-spawning time disabled) , more adrenaline shots, more med packs, etc. Medium will give some loots, (loot re-spawning normal when you fast travel). Hard will give you some loot (loot re-spawning on timer) more damage done to players etc.


@Magic As i’m a casual player who doesn’t enjoy the fighting very much, that would be perfect :slight_smile: Maybe make that as a post in the feature requests area?

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Another thing that would make a good post in the request section, would be to make the world “unstatic” between your characters. If I create a new character, I also create a new world with new missions. Because as of now, there really isn’t any reason to create another character. And it’s really to much of a project, to reinstall the game just to replay it

done :slightly_smiling_face:

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This mess with the update needs to be fixed immediately.