New Xbox bugs showing up

So tonight I played with my wife in an Xbox Multiplayer game. Interestingly, besides the gun slot not working, was that every dead robot or loot crate or whatever became a Plundra. I could “store” whatever I wanted in a dead robot. So that’s new…and bad.

So, to sum up, inventory takes forever to do and you don’t have an easy overview of what actually have (sigh).
Guns won’t allocate to slots. (what?)
Multiplayer seems a bit more stable (yay).
So far, no flying robots (yay).
Running doesn’t work, or sprinting, even though my weight is only 50 kg.
Archpelago region looks…thr same except for some boarded up doors.

I get that these times are trying times for companies but why add a release that adds bugs when the game already had so many? Now is when everybody is home playing.
Hopefully the swedes will get on this quick since they are allowed to go to work still… Stay safe!

I’ll have you know, many work from home. And many don’t have jobs anymore at all.

But, to address your issues, the inventory’s gotten tons of feedback and it’s being looked at.

Regarding the gun slots, it’s a known issue and there’s a temporary fix;

You should be able to move around if you’re carrying 50kg’s. This sounds like a bug, so I’ll poke someone about it!

Lastly, the Archipelago has loads of new stuff to explore. Personally I can recommend checking out what used to be the mast at Måsskär.

I meant no disrespect to the swedes. I know mnay have lost their jobs and many work from home. My point was just that unlike other countries right now, Sweden doesn’t have a lot of rules about staying home from work.
This is just a game so it isn’t that important.

Located a weapon slot issue on Xbox that is repeatable. The Sjokvist shotgun won’t load into a slot while other weapons do.

Another thing, should dead robots and loot crates become Plundra boxes? I can move my stuff into them when I loot them, and have, and then I wonder where my stuff went.
Is this in purpose?

Nope, that’s not intended so don’t do that :wink: