Please add fixed slots exclusively for meds

That would be great if there were two fixed slots only to be used for meds, in a way that they go automatically to those slots once I have them in my inventory. Currently, when we run out of meds, they get removed from the slots automatically, and then when we find more, we have to set them to those slots again… It’s pretty inconvenient.

Please consider this improvement as it will make the gaming experience way better. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:



Or streamline slotting stuff. So that it’s nowhere near as clunky to equip items. :\


That would be great if there were two fixed slots only to be used for meds, in a way that they go automatically to those slots once I have them in my inventory. Currently, when we run out of meds, they get removed from the slots automatically, and then when we find more, we have to set them to those slots again… It’s pretty inconvenient.

Please consider this improvement as it will make the gaming experience way better. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:



I would rather see a “sticky” behavour, that the last item assigned to a slot makes the slot automatically add those items.

In essence, your desired behaviour would be there, but also grenades, gas tanks and other “tools” get auto-selected to their assigned slots after they ran out and you pick up more.

i would also want weapons to behave like that, if you run out of buckshots and pick some up later, the shotgun would be loaded with buckshots when you re-equip it.
Unless you changed the ammo type of course, in that case the slugs or birdshots would be the new default for that shotgun.


@NandoRos Even greater would be if you keep your request in one topic, rather than copy/paste and making a duplicate topic to get more publicity.

Topics merged.


I think a specific button to trigger a heath-pack would be an excellent idea. As one who regularly runs out of health packs, I find having to constantly assign them to an inventory slot every time I run out of health is as much poor interface design as it is down to poor ability on my side.

This is especially aggravating, since there are at least 4 different sorts of health, which would all need their own slots! Perhaps a hold on the d-pad could bring up an extended selection (as previously suggested), or the best/worst health available would be triggered on press of a dedicated health button.

Having to reassign health packs to d-pads so often seems like a bizarre and frustrating wrinkle to this game that could be fairly easily resolved with some interface improvements and/or automated inventory management.

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Reply moved into proper topic.


i think it would be a great idea but i could see the wrong health pack getting used at times which would be hugely frustrating and just takes us back to having to go into the inventry to equip the right HP for that situation :slight_smile:

I COMPLETELY agree! That would be way better! :slight_smile:

I copied and pasted that to another topic because I realized that there was a specific session for FEATURE REQUESTS only after I had created this thread (and I didn’t want to delete that because someone had already replied). Unlike what you arrogantly said, I didn’t do that for the promotion of my post.

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“Poof!” And now, the whole topic is in the Feedback/Feature Request subforum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Next time when you accidentally create topic in wrong subforum (it happens sometimes), don’t break the forum rules by cross-posting your topic. Instead contact a mod to help to move your topic.

Be courteous: Avoid duplicate posts
Cross posting is not allowed and will result in the removal of one or more posts. Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in two or more locations.

Source: Code of Conduct - Forums


Got it! Thanks, man.

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Not if the least effective health was used first, since it would mean the difference between recovering somewhat - and getting destroyed while fumbling in the menus. For me (and prior to the update) it was hugely frustrating having to arrange everything in there exactly the same, every time.

The relative difference in health restored also would suggest to me that all these slightly different health packs are unnecessary for my enjoyment of the game. I’d settle on one or two different sorts (preferably with more health in them on the adventure mode) if I were to have input into the design of this game.

i get what your saying personally i’ve never been a fan of the one size fits all situation as it removes any sort of though form the player.

i like the fact in this game and others where health packs or bandages all heal different amounts and its down to the player to make the choice what is the right bit of equipment(any item really even guns) is the right tool for the job.

look at the fallout games for instance in your menu wheel do you have big med kits that could be a waste at times or do you equip food that heals less for that situation. but anyway back to the deticated button or slots for healing equipment i think this is a great idea before i looked into and found i couldnt do it i was looking at could i perhaps macro the use of these health packs via macro keys on my mouse or keyboard to do eactly what we are talking about ultimalty to make my life easier but without removing the need for which do i NEED to use in this situation.

The “different amounts” idea seems lost when the health is applied gradually, typically at the same time as I’m getting damaged. So the ultimate amounts of health are hard to judge and I normally use multiple health packs at a time too. The difference between the amounts also seems far too granular: do I heal up 25% or 33%? - that’s how it seems to me.

Fallout is a good example of the worst sort of clunky interface, which is why the game pauses for you to use it.