POLL Do you like the new, altered map... or do you? :P

Bring back April 2020 as it’s own max difficulty level.

You remember that era, right? When everyone except me and a handful of other people whined about the difficulty? When robots acted like robots by being precise and fast acting?

God I so miss the April 2020 patch. The most fun I’ve had in a long time until the game was softened up.

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The improved reaction times and increased aggression was good, no one ever denied that but as the developers themselves pointed out, the update was full of bugs and they broke the game. Back then I also explained how forcing the player to cheese the bots because everything else gets you killed isn’t good gamedesign. Besides, the new Soviet machines are exactly like the April 2020 update and they’re just as bad.

Oops I may have resurrected an old thread by accident lol.

But you see good game design caters to as many as you can. They could make an April 2020 difficulty, and if you don’t like it, simply don’t use it. Some of us like the fear a robot puts in you. I absolutely LOVED the challenge of April 2020. It’s what made me keep coming back. And when the game softened up, I was very sad…and frustrated. I have over 300 hours in the game. Believe me I REALLY enjoyed the difficulty. Fast forward to 2022, and we still have Hunters acting like robots purchased at a flea market with poor reaction times and less than capable aiming. April 2020 forced me to plan my attacks via strategic placement of myself and having a plan of escape. Looking at the terrain and figuring out my plan was part of the experience. Now not so much. I used to be scared of the bots. Now…meh. I was looking at the Hunters fighting the ball robots, and I said to myself “Yeah April 2020 Hunters would have turned them into spare parts in a few seconds.”

Now the Russian bots…very cool looking and interesting. I like the Wolf’s gatling gun with its speed and small size making it trickier to land a good shot on. I even WOWed outloud! But the missiles in the game still act like paper airplanes with firecrackers attached to them. April 2020 had proper fast missiles. It’s just too easy to dodge these slow missiles since all you need to do is keep running when at a distance. I mean you see the missiles launch, and you actually have enough time to look at them in the air and ask yourself “which way should I go today” But at least the gatling is a very pleasant surprise. I noticed these bots tend to sleep around in different areas. If you are running around to suddenly see one laying around a building, you are in for a nasty surprise.

Anyways, I will always continue to follow GZ’s progress. Maybe someday I’ll get my April 2020 difficulty back. Maybe someday someone will create a mod to manually make the game like April 2020. In the mean time, I’ll always pop in and out to see how the game has progressed. :slightly_smiling_face:

:slightly_smiling_face: You could just do as many others do, play the tie-one-hand-to-back playstyle. Where you play on Guerrilla, but without experimental weapons or experimental ammo. Abolish fast travel, and no stims. In fact you can make it as difficult as you want. Only one weapon, or no weapons above 3 *, etc.


I could all the time, and I was actually doing that last night. I was snipping the wolf’s weapons with a regular rifle. But all I did was hinder myself vs making them more accurate lol. Killing the beast with a thousand needles :joy:

I’m sure that a lot of people who filled in the latest survey might have suggested a more difficult mode. Did you? If not you still can.

I most certainly did. :slightly_smiling_face: TY

Check the Steam forum. They was a thread about this not long ago.

Might be a bit late, but I want to say that I think that the new map is much more fitting when you consider GZs backstory.
The old “empty and clean” map had it’s own eery charm, but in a country that’s as heavily militarized as GZs Sweden and where everyone recieves at least some military training at a young age, it makes sense that there would be heavy signs of fighting all over the place.