Quest tracker showing exact position of the objective

I wanna adress my concerns about quest tracking. If people want the game to be easier it shouldnt be at the costs for the ones who doesnt wanna play babymode. Having quest tracker showing exact position of the quests makes clues in the game useless. All I can do is hit “M” and go from A to B and complete the game within an hour… Why dont we at least have the option to completly disable the tracker, and meet both worlds?

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Is this what you’re talking about?


I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
I have so often plead for modes, toggleables, sliders, …, so people can choose their own setting as they see fit.
Until know, every change, both “good” or “bad” (opinions) affected ALL players, and this really saddens me.
Oh, I have asked for SO many changes, but always in such way, the player could choose to either have it… or not.
Right now, they have the option to disallow bikes, for instance.
I’ve always been against it, for my own reasons.
Sadly, disabling the allowance for bikes… does not remove them…
I keep getting confronted with these: on the compass, at all safe locations, even machines…
It would have been so nice that one could choose to have it or not.

Now, of course, we need to understand one thing: adding optionality is resource wise a real cost.
Manpower, man hours, you name it.
Implementing it would be at the cost of something else, obviously, as the Avalanche Team is not that big.

Many asked for harder game, leading this for a request to a G+ and G++ mode (Hardcore and Extremecore).
For those that struggle with the game, then, a “G-” (Easy Mode) (or the so called baby mode by you) could be a thing as well.
It does not necessary go only to harder directions, a lower setting just might be awesome for the struggling ones.
IF they would go for sliders… it would “fix” much more regarding opinion and personal preference… but it would be also harder to implement… much more costly…
On the bright side then, if sliders would become a thing, it would ease everything down the road for new implementations…

That will i see that you have completed the game within 1 hour ctvoks

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Probably (well… understatement) Godmode and the like.
I am pretty decent, but I can’t do it under 3 days of 16 hours…

Do note: I do EVERYTHING to stay alive.
A death… is just not acceptable…

Agreed my k/d ratio is 165/1 death just isn’t fun

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no chance, and nobody can win the game under one hour

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It would have to be a good hack/cheat to do one hour finish

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To get rid of spoon feeding icons, turn the “POI icons” off. This way, you won’t see any icons pointing you towards any item of interest. It also disables loot pick-up icons, so, unless you aren’t close to the loot box/bag and doesn’t move your crosshair to it, it won’t light up.

Not quite. That option disables the upper-left side mission objective box, which includes mission name and current task.

We don’t talk hacks/cheats here. :do_not_litter:

Also, current record of any% speedrun in GZ stands at just a bit over 2 hours,
topic: Generation Zero Speedrun 2:15:58