On map there is Available Stations but it covers up the Weapons and Collectables. Is there a way to move either of them so not on top of each other?
On map there is Available Stations but it covers up the Weapons and Collectables. Is there a way to move either of them so not on top of each other?
Thanks for the report.
It disturbs me, too and I wondered why noone else reported it yet.
Could you adjust the title a bit so that the issue is more clear?
@Zesiir: if it isn’t already in focus (should be easy for the devs to move the overlay for the stations a bit down), could you poke them a bit to improve that?
I’m trying to recreate that problem, but I have yet to find one location that covers up the texts. Stations are typically shown when you point to a safehouse and Missions and collectables on farms bunkers, etc. So it must be at a safehouse that also has missions showing at they same icon?
Is this everywhere for you or is the problem only at certain locations. Can you show a screenshot?
You have this problem too, Madchaser?
I haven’t seen this problem. Maybe I misunderstand.
Edit: I saw another post about this and an update this morning. Was there an update for Xbox and PS and not for PC?
I was looking for a screenshot that shows the problem, but sadly I didn’t make one yesterday. Maybe later today.
I take another one to describe it.
You see the box with the available stations in the upper right. Imagine having the info about what to find at a location (weapons, plans, collectibles,… Or if it’s 100% finished) behind this box.
As far as I know just the outstanding hotfix which was released just on PC at first. But it’s been some days ago.
Yes, that was 5 days ago.
I was referring to this post this morning about the same problem. I however, on PC solo, don’t have it.
Ah, another topic.
I’ll take a look as soon as possible.
But yes, it’s everywhere on the map… On each location there is the box about the available stations, even if there aren’t any stations.
It’s 20 days old…
Hmm… seems I can’t reproduce this error on my side, I couldn’t find any spot on the map where it was possible to get the “completion” and the “available stations” windows open up together.
But I found three other oddities though…
Double entry “Vehicle Station” at Vesslan Command Bunker
Double entries “Vehicle Station” and “Storage Station” at Lennarts Marin AB and Himsundsbryggan
Me neither, are you on PC (solo) too?
How does it look for you if you select ringfort safehouse?
A little bird told me this’ll be fixed for the next patch
Jep, solo player on PC
I have the problem that the stations appear above the 2do list like weapons and missions, playing on xbox!
The topic fits somehow…
Does anybody know for how long it says 0/6 resistance bases in mountain region?
Mountain region…
There are no control points yet.
But an info that says “0/6”.
In marshlands and north coast for example it says: “0”
It was first seen around november 2022. Probably leaked in with the Dark Skies Update.