Question for devs: Why the revamp?

I would be more than happy to buy it for both myself and my girlfriend, even pay for early access and then pay for the DLC/DLCs when close to complete


What annoys me most about the “revamps” is when they switch complete houses to another type of house. E.g. happened with the last update again to the safe houses of Kaptensvillan and LGA facility. For me that’s totally disturbing and even borderline gamebreaking.
I mean doing changes to an existing building, yeah why not… but (ex)changing the whole type of a building layout is somewhat ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense.

My 2 Ct.

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I don’t feel like you.
I love to see these changes.

Some show the story progress, some are just optimizations and to bring some more love in details which hasn’t been before due to a lack of time. The new kaptensvillan-savehouse is beautiful. Much better than before.


I feel the same. In general I accept everything the devs come up with and adapt accordingly. This update is for me another wonderful experience and I hope for many more.


I edited my original post because I found the answer to my question:

It seems to me the game was pretty unfinished when it first came out in 2019.

I’m pretty sure that the map revamps we’re seeing now are mostly how the map was planned to look like from the start.


Define gamebreaking… so far the only gamebreaking thing in gen z is the weapon wheel wich they royally screwed over. A few houses that are changed isnt game breaking

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I like the new changes.
They have introduced lots and lots of new objects to the game.
I hope when they finish revamping Marshlands, Mountains and North Coast they introduce and change the objects at the archiphelago South coast and Farmlands, which dont have the same rich personality and taste.
I´m talking only about objects inside Buildings and some misc objects from the street, they are a bit too much copy paste when comparing to the buildings and objects of the recent revamped regions.