Request: Improved communication


Dear Carni,

I’m really missing the communication of the good old days. I don’t know the reasons and I don’t use discord, so I don’t know what’s going on there, but in the past there was, in my eyes, so much more exchange between your role and the community.

We had letters from the team, the dev-streams and many interesting infos, teasers etc on Twitter in the weeks before updates, polls, surveys and a roadmap, which opened up discussions here in the forum.

There also were updates about the status of reported or known bugs.

Currently it doesn’t really feel that there is something like a plan. There is no fixed day or date to expect news/infos/teasers.

Don’t get me wrong, but in the past the community was more active because the communication with the community was more active and I’m afraid that the overall interest into Generation Zero decreases more and more. Many users just seem to wait for the next update, take a look at it and then again wait for the next update because they’re disappointed by the content or similar. There are still bugs (for years now) which make it hard to continue or to start again.

My first world loses all discovered safehouses each day and I don’t have many interesting to do… just once a week a procedual mission. The daily fmtel-missions are broken for years or are too hard to finish within … Let’s say an hour. In my second world I cannot continue due to a bug in the building blocks mission. And because of that I currently don’t like to start a third world which maybe could end the same way.

And although I really love GZ I’m afraid that GZ more and more becomes a title that is just played once per update (not daily, not weekly, even not monthly) to see what’s new. And with a constantly lower amount of active players the risk of a sudden stop of development or the whole IP comes closer and closer.

And that makes me feel sad.


Hey buddy! You’ve been awesome in helping me in the past so I just wanted to encourage you!

While I’m sure Carni will see and respond, I didn’t want you to lose hope that they’re not working on building and updating GZ. I’m sure you’re aware of the new update about to come out on the 26th!

However I know that this is more about communication. While it’s not my place at all to speak on behalf of the community or the dev’s, may I offer my own suggestion here? I would definitely look into getting into Discord. The Dev’s and Moderators keep a lot of information forthcoming in it. You can also chat and send DM’s directly to individuals associated with the their Discord channels! (Of course I would suggest discretion when contacting individuals via the DM’s. Don’t be me … an irritant! :rofl: :rofl:)

I myself was very reluctant to get into Discord. I really wanted nothing to do with it … at first. Now, I really like it! 1. Its Free! 2. Its great for hosting your own voice channels with friends via a server you can setup (again - completely free). 3. Game makers host their own server channels for their games - like GZ. They have Dev’s, Moderators, and the usual guys like myself that check in from time to time! 4. If you want to have time to yourself, you can just close it out or go invisible so no one bothers you.

Anyway bud, I hope that helps slightly. I really love GZ and its community - like yourself! So don’t lose hope and keep on fighting those machines!! :smile: :+1:


Well MadC, I check the forum every day, but I also like to play new games, so that’s what I have been doing while I wait for the update on the 25th. Also replayed the Halo Infinite campaign. And now I am doing Avatar. :coffee:

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Me too… In general. Currently I sadly don’t have much time to play games or even can’t encourage myself to start any game. At least I check the forum every day.

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My world isnt brocken since the start/release of GenZ. One of a few lucky ones i think.

Continuing the discussion from New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24):

Awesome to have you aboard!! I was hoping you might join after our recent chat. I too will never join Facebook! I hope you find Discord as helpful as I had described!

Cheers! :smile: :+1:

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: These last two weeks specifically, I’ve been on vacation, and now that I’m back, I’ll pick up the dev letters again and we have a stream happening today! The thing is that we don’t do updates as often as we used to anymore because we’ve started packing more into each update and putting more focus on polish before releasing. This also means that we’ll have less time overall where we have anything to talk about, which I know can make it feel like we’re withholding information.
That is not what we’re doing! Looking at the activities planned for late summer and fall, I can confidently say there will be more opportunities for you to actively participate :slight_smile:
I also plan to pick up regular streams again while we work on the next update after Skyfire.

The safehouse bug is a pain for us as well, but unfortunately we still haven’t found a reliable way to reproduce it, which means we can’t 100% guarantee a fix. We’ve introduced a few changes that will help to not lose safehouses, but it still seems to be lingering around. Be assured that we’ll keep looking into it, but I know how frustrating this is and I’m sorry for that.