Schematics should be included in location completion information

Right now, when you enter a location, you will immediately see if weapons, collectibles or a mission is availible in said loaction. Schematics for the armor upgrades, which become quite important on skirmish and guerilla difficulty, are very, very well hidden right now and I feel like they should be included in this information. A player needs the basic schematics to even be able to craft the advanced versions of it which makes the basic, pick-up only versions quite important.

Without looking them up, I would probably never have found half of them, because how can you know that some small pickup is hidden in a bathtub on the second floor of an empty house somewhere on the map? :sweat_smile:


That would be very helpful. The only ones that I have been able to find are the ones that I happened to stumble across.

I agree, it would be nice to see Schematics added to the tally of a location :slight_smile:

All locs with screens in here: Schematics - Fixed Locations