[Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

Is there still the invisible hedge (or what else) in the western part of hagaboda?

If you’re standing there next to a house (green circle on screenshot) , looking towards south, southwest, you’re able to see some houses unless you pass a small fence or hegde.

Find this nice one

Heyo, someone might have already posted this one, but I’ll upload it anyways. It’s decent sized.

Coords in case they aren’t clear in pic: -3579, 513

Those are still here:

Platform:: PC

Description: Missing Texture at -721.392, 2803.541

Steps To Reproduce: Just walking around

Host or Client: Singlepayer

Players in your game: just me

Images / Videos:

This is called a Terrain Hole. It’s some kind of terrain bug that occurs when ground seams get misaligned. I’ve moved it to the collection thread covering the issue.


@Zesiir I hope devs are still checking for bugs from time to time in “terrain holes/flying objects/ weird objects” topics.

Here is another (the same from 2021)
(sequence of images to help locate it.)

Well I found this hole on top of the Hermelinen command bunker. I am playing solo.
Platform: Pc/Steam

1 Like

Moved to Terrain Hole thread.


Hole in the world.

Found a tear in the ground in the Mountains region, PlayStation version. Can NOT fall through. Picture to follow:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Weird Terrain] Dump miscellaneous terrain issues you see here!

Platform: Pc/Steam

Platform: PC

Description: two small map issues I have found after wandering around

Steps To Reproduce: Currently unknown, I believe they may be rendering issues or oversights

Images / Videos:
bug 1 -

bug 2 -

Host or Client: Singleplayer/Host

Players in your game: 1

Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64) Version 2009 (build 19045.3208)
B450 TOMAHAWK (MS-7C02) 1.0
3.40 gigahertz AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
16Gb G.Skill TridentZ DDR4