That old April update

Having enemies with varying hit points and weapons dealing varying damage is literally the worst way to do “difficulty”, turns every fight into a resource and time grind. How about enemies that see you better, that don’t forget you’re around, that flank you and use tactics, where one tries to pin you down while others maneuver? All that sounds more challenging, “difficult”, than just a time and ammo sink. That’s what the April 2020 update felt like, I played a couple more hours of it last night, it really is the apex of GZ gameplay. I should probably see if I can get the old Alpine Unrest manifest package as well…


Well, looks like this run is over. At least it let me get through the Alpine Unrest DLC and finish up all the missions. Got an experimental 12G which stunlocks tanks, that was a lot of fun to play with.

Maybe I’ll investigate moving this out of the Steam directory but I think I’m good for now.

Did they ever tell us what was in that update?

That’s my game wanting to update from the April 2020 install, it’s not a new update. I’m just surprised it let me finish all the missions before pulling this.

Are you sure i got a similar update yesterday? 19th june 2023.

You’re talking about something completly different.

There was an unannounced update for xbox / PC yesterday to fix the reaper loot bug. There just was a short message on twitter about it yet.

Regex is talking about a 3 year old game version he’s currently playing.


Ah, that’s why I have the update message. Thanks, actually, I think I know how to fix it now.

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