The 6 major companion flaws

So far in testing the companion out ive identified 6 major flaws but to prefice this update is cool as hell and is really awesome but does have issues

1: if you stand afk or still long enough the companion vanishes and can only be put back in your inventory or are via the companion bench

2 the companion ai is relatively competent thus far excluding for some reason semi regularly actively firing into objects whole aiming at enemies even if an object blocks every shot until it moves again to reposition

3: the rocket launcher add on is powerful but is almost comically ineffective if the enemy moves so the path tracking/aiming or projectile speed need to be bumped up several notches

4: the shotgun is very good on damage but suffers from the companions lacking ai understanding of distance engagement so it will often try to poorly snipe with the shotgun which is further compounded with the issues of flaw #2

5: the companion has no ability to have armor swapped out or replaced without the companion bench which semi limits combat utility and makes the companion more vulnerable especially with higher difficulty and higher grade enemies once the armor is cracked

6: the companion for some reason when a player on xbox one plays with someone one on xbox series s/x as soon as the dogs engage in combat the game will enter an odd state ive dubbed a false ghost crash where the xbox one player will crash out of the game either back to menu or hard crash to home but the series player will still see them in their game or “remain” remain in the crashed persons game on xbox one in spite of the session technically no longer existsing


Great feedback Digi. I have also seen a few of these issues this morning.
I’m still trying to figure out how to communicate with it. Mine is setup as a medic but i get injured but don’t know how to call it to me for attention. It justs keeps doing its thing and ignores me bleeding on the ground LoL…

I have mine configured as a medic as well, but not sure how the actual healing ability is supposed to work.

I put mine as medic and gave it a few adrenaline shots and advance health kits and if I was even at 99% and the pet got close to me would bring me back to full health…REPEATEDLY! It was automatic.

Hmmm. More testing needed.

That’s why I wrote somewhere else:

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Another issue I’ve found is when trying to go stealth. Sneak, sneak, sneak… pick off a lone target, it dies, then shows you have escaped combat; only to find your companion running in and initiating combat which brings the other 10 guys after you. And of course even if you are completely hidden in a building, once he aggros them, they instantly know where you are. There should be a passive/aggressive setting so he only fires when you are being fired upon.


My companion usually will ignore other enemies if snipe a particular enemy without getting into combat with the others. Even when I am prone in the bushes other runners would walk right up to companion and they will not engage unless I fire first. My companions does have his yellow searching light on when enemies are near but he won’t engage until I do.