the spooky barn doesn’t give 0/1
The spooky barn doesn’t show a location Icon at all.
I checked all my locations now on the map.
Although I have all collectables, except this missing video tape, I found 5 locations with a counter showing 0/1.
- Fiskebäck
- Fort Torsberga
- Lysehamn
- Asö
- Stillsjön
Maybe I’ll try to check them late today.
I have there:
- Fiskebäck => collectables 2/2
- Fort Torsberga => collectables 2/2
- Lysehamn => collectables 1/1
- Asö => collectables 2/2
- Stillsjön => collectables 1/1
I am now trying locations that have no icon.
floating stairs , bear cave , bunker 666:x:, apple barn kenneth house with red lights windows
Thanks for pointing it out, fixed it now!
Glad I just mixed up the names and not the locations or order, because I have a theory to test worked out late last night.
2 areas with some settlements are highly interesting.
there’s also a cabin sowehere, I don’t remember were, a cabin with all red walls carpet, I wanted to look there, but don’t remember were that was
i also have all the 3/3, 4/4, 1/1 marked off my map the only ones I don’t have are glitched ones that remain because updates but the last one is not on a marker, & looking at some of those weird easter egg locations, don’t remember were there all at though, but no luck yet
maybe it’s glitched & they forgot to put it in the game no utube video yet either
Blue dots, just for a visual where the collectables are on the map.
Mountain and South Coast region stand out with none.
Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s just one video left.
Well, maybe, mountain region got a new island, why not every other region a collectable… Or some?
Then southcoast could be possible.
But again:
Where could it be?
We don’t have any concrete clues for them.
Some locations have instruments, some have TVs, some both and some none of them (Boo, Markbacken).
We just have to look at any spot we feel could be the one. That’s what I am doing. But the hard thing is that it can be everywhere, on a roof, in a box, on a bench, etc. We just have to stumble of it while we are playing. You know I like exploring.
The third tape has been found. It’s on a shelf at Lilla Dyrbo. coordinates: -1069.765, -406.115.
Too obvious.
I guess for that one I would have been searching forever, but not there
The complete VHS list then
Frukostklubben - In Lillå in the house at 465.322, 690.956.
Spacewalk - Boo, Beep cola truck behind Kundsam store.
Bossy - on a shelf at Lilla Dyrbo. -1069.765, -406.115.
J-Schwiss - In Alby church between the altar and pulpit.
Serpentine - Inside Spoky barn in Marshland Region -2505.666, -2752.663
Mill Swing on Café Östervik - Markbacken in Östervik on the roof of a store at 1021.332, 6.797.
Royalty - Upstairs in Red house in Salthamn close to water, next to the other red house with a destroyd Tank machine in the yard.
Learn to Dance Hip-Hop! - The Club barn in Haga with a bar and stage near 973.776, 227.870. In a corner next to a sofa.
The Business - In the gift shop at Ånnagruvan.
What should we search for now then, ideas?
A coin to put in the arcade?
Is it a thing or just a wild ghost chase?
Ah, what do you think? No, of course not.
The coins can be found were tick gnomes home is.
Somewhere over the rainbow…
Try to fool me, there are no coins on the other end of the tick gnomes rainbow!
Just people plugged into incubators.
Oh, just guessing.
Didn’t finish the story yet.
I’m waiting for my mate for coop.