What happened to my first game world?

Okay I’ve been playing my second game world for a while and I went back to my first saved game world and all the region threat points are down almost all the regions have three or less rival some regions have zero and Threat Level like in the South Coast is two. When I stop playing this game all my regions were pretty much maxed out with all the rivals what the heck happened?

OMG I just realized that almost every one of my safe houses have vanished too and I had every single one unlocked! I mean I’m a level 150 this is crap that all my work to achieve all this is gone and I have to start over! Why? It’s supposed to be a saved game

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Vanishing safehouses have always been an issue for at least 2 or 3yrs now. I’ve seen so many people complain about this, including a friend of mine I play with. You’d need to join someone’s game and jump to each of their safehouses to unlock yours again. It’s the quickest way I could think.

It’s an issue on playstation.
Once a world is affected, it currently can’t be healed.
I tried so many times to get my safehouses back by discovering them again and again…

Wunderbar. One of my strike team has this issue and he has been trying to get his safehouses back, but can’t. Are you saying he has to open a new world and move characters?

At least in my second world I didn’t lose safehouses yet. But I must add, that I didn’t discover them all in that world. I stopped playing when I wasn’t able to complete the building blocks mission, due to the known Bugs.

So, two bugged worlds, two different reasons… Yeah.

BLEH! Would it kill them to QA?

There is QA, but the team working on Generation Zero is small. If you want to help, we’ve got an active
beta testing branch. But there are no idle hands at work, that I know.

Isn’t the Beta closed at the moment? Last thing I read in that regard was this post:
Continuing the discussion from [STEAM] Hop on the Public Test Branch with performance improvements:

I think the Beta Tests, which are for specially chosen Beta-testers, is not the same as the Public Test branch, in which every-body on Steam can participate.

That’s the open beta.

There’s a closed beta as well, that sits behind a Non-Disclosure Agreement. We’ve got many community members there helping out.

Ah, that explains it! I thought I missed the next open beta.