XBOX / PC Game Pass - Crash on trying to play multiplayer

:information_source: This issue should now be fixed and no longer be occur!

(However, IF anyone is still experiencing this issue feel free to post in this topic and @ me)

Thanks again for your patience while we worked on sorting this out! :pray:


Hooray! Thanks for the speedy handling of this issue gz team!

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Buenas, tanto a mi como a varios amigos nos ocurre que cuando intentamos unirnos a una partida con amigos, nos es imposible, te sale un cartel uniendose a partida… que se queda eternamente hasta que te aburres y te sales del juego. Si intentamos unirnos a traves del multijugador a cualquier otra partida se te crashea el juego, se bloquea el sonido y te echa al inicio.
En cambio otros amigos pueden unirse sin problema y les funciona bien. a que puede deberse que a algunos no nos permita el juego online y a otros si?.
yo concretamente tengo una conexion de fibra 300mb simetricos y nat abierta. Gracias

Transcript: Hello, it happens to both me and several friends that when we try to join a game with friends, it is impossible for us, you get a poster joining the game … which stays forever until you get bored and leave the game. If we try to join any other game through multiplayer, the game crashes, the sound is blocked and you are kicked out at the beginning.
On the other hand, other friends can join without problem and it works well for them. Why could it be that some do not allow online gambling and others do?
I specifically have a symmetric 300mb fiber connection and open nat. Thanks

In the minute and a half it took to copy paste it into Google translate, it seems that the he has issues joining multiplayer games as it crashed and messes with the sound, yet his friends can join their game just fine.

Moved to relevant report thread.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Endless crashing, please help!