3-barrel shotgun idea

since we don’t have a 3-barrel shotgun yet :dizzy_face: might be fun

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Didn’t it get FOUR barrels? I forget, been a while… Gonna make me warm up my PS3…

Just to be perfectly serious, though, three and four barrel shotguns are a thing…from the modern-day Chiappa Triple-Threat, to the 1960’s four-barreled Winchester Liberator… They typically end up being break-action pieces, like a typical double-barrel side-by-side or over-and-under, just with a little of both going on instead of just one or the other. Usually they fire one barrel at a time, functionally like a semi-auto, but in the case of the quads sometimes they’ll fire two barrels per trigger pull.

Not that I’d seriously suggest that any of them warrant being featured in pretty much any game, ever. Aside from Blood Dragon. That game was supposed to be absurd, so perfect place…