3 days broken is too much

I understand what’s done is done, but why not release a “roll back” patch in order to make it playable to ps4 players again? 3 days have passed and all the information the community has recieved is “we’re working on it”. Well…that’s not good enough after 3 days of your product being down while you continue to sell it as not. I’ve watched the community get more angry by the hour, its because they’ve recieved nothing. Where’s the explanation? Where’s the “sorry, this is what were doing”, just frantic admins doing damage control (I feel for you admins). Its only a matter of time before some tuber with a following puts up a rage filled video and your sales will stop. Just give the community some heartfelt details and a deadline for the fix, preferably from the developers.


It’s honestly probably because they have to pay money for each update/hotfix/rollback and they’re going to wait another month anyway. That is what I’m betting on.

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Im with t3kk here

I just bought it and are really pist i feel misguided and this is first time in 4 years i try this


Couldn’t agree more with OP, I was coming on here to make the same post. But apparently, coming from a source on these forums. If they don’t fix this (make the game compatable with Sony’s console) in 7 days they’re sending refunds and removing it from the store.
This is my go to game right now too, it’s dissapointing.

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Waiting another month wouldn’t be the smartest choice. 3 days and the community is angry, a month? They simply won’t be there, nor will anymore sales. Even if that’s the case, shouldn’t they make an announcement? It would stop the anger.

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At this point I’m just roasting marshmallows over the dumpster fire. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I’ve never seen a company screw up so badly while basically just saying “we’re working on it” and leaving people in the dark for days. They seem totally disconnected from their customers.

Any other software company on earth world just roll back to the previous stable version on the same day.

That’s why I’m guessing we’ll see that hotfix next month. It’s gotta be a money issue, because there’s zero reason to keep a broken version of your product as the only active version unless you can’t afford a rollback.


ps4 patch is out , this all good now, should this thread be closed

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Probably, there is no need now that it is working.

Righto, we’re locking this up.