3 Easter Eggs in 1 ....LOVE IT! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ»

What are the other two?

  1. The Carpet
  2. Danny’s bike
  3. Room 237
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That’s The Shining, yes. The maze will blow your mind too. I thought you meant there were other references than just the scene. Sorry.

Oh my god there’s a maze!!! :scream: …am I going to find a frozen Jack Nicholson?! :joy:

No… but you’ll find Paulie :scream:

This reminds me of the time I went with my parents when I was little to the Banff National Park Hotel. We stayed in room 237 which apparently is haunted and was the room Steven King himself stayed in when he visited the Hotel. Apparently he took inspiration from the room and then named the room in the book after it. As well, the Banff National Park hotel is really haunted in general, and has some strange stuff and stories about it. One of the ones I remember was the one about a poltergeist in a room on one of the floors, and the room was then sealed off due to obvious reasons. It was then proven that there is a room in fact there sealed behind the wall, because in the hallway there was an obvious inconsistency in wall depth, and there are misplaced lights. There is also a window on the outside of the hotel that doesn’t link up to any other room, so that is another thing supporting its existence. I’ll probably link the story or something here if I can find it online.

I found an article about it: