30+ dog multi kill

In the award for the biggest multi-kill…
Damn. It won’t let me post the video because it’s in MP4 format :expressionless:

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Post to youtube and link?



Wow, awesome, well done.
Would really enjoy to see that aswell.

Please post on youtube and post the link.

Otherwise, look for free video editting/converting software on Google
and try to convert it into another format and try to post it here.

Anyway, well done, congratulations.

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Very good call!
Here you guys go!



I do wonder however how you got these 30+ runners to just stand there in the field
like a herde of grazing cows. The most runners I got in combat sofar is 12 because of
2 packs of 6 meeting randomly on the same path crossing. I bet u used a siren like the
one in the video to lure them to become such a large number in the first place.
Hehe, I love the view how they are just standing there like a herde of cows.

Anyway, a 30+ Runner kill is a 30+ runner kill. Well done.
Very cool tactic and nice video footage :ok_hand::+1::+1::+1::clap:

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Actually I didn’t do anything. We came over that ridge and they were all just standing there. I’m not sure if it was a bug but my jaw hit the ground when I seen them lol

Muhahaha, would have reacted just the same way. Good you dealth with this cowherde
and took care of things, 30 less runners in Sweeden needed to be to killed :wink:

Cool that you where able to record and we can enjoy it now :+1:

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Hahaha, thanks man.
Yeah it was definitely awesome. And me and my buddy have been having a blast with this game. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for it.


What platform are you playing on?

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Yep, likewise. It is a lot of fun to play and I’m curious on how the campaign/game ends.
Will the entire gaming community succeed to save the 80’s Sweden to get where it is in 2019?

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Yeah I’m also curious. I have about 70% of the map fully revealed and a shitload of missions done. Not sure how many missions I have left.
I’m not sure how far you are or what platform you’re on. But I’m on Xbox and I have a level four shotgun to get rid of. If you’d like it I could jump in your game one of these days and drop it for you.

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I have about the same progress I believe. I have uncoverd the entire map but still
quite a few unlocked missions that I need to finish. I first want acces to the Marden Bunker to get the Warboard mission finally rapped up before continuing but at the moment I’m having some bad luck as it would seem. I simply can not get the machines to drop those Key Card fragments although I exactly know where the bunker itself is. This is the last bunker I need to open. I need to kill enough machines in the Forrest but I don’t seem to get this working in some way. Oh yes, I’m playing on PS4 by the way.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the shothun offer. I have a class 4 semi-auto shotgun myself so no problem there. To bad we are on different hardware however, would have been cool to be able to trade stuff :slight_smile: But, to be honest, even with the same hardware, I’m having some Internet issues at the moment so I can’t play online. To say it briefly: I have no WLAN at the moment, only 3G and LTE mobile phone acces. I tried to go online via this connection, wich would work just fine, but PS4 says I need to update the game first to version 1.02. Wich is 8 or 12 GB or something, and with the Data Download price in my Mobilephone abo, this would cost like 40 Euro’s or so. So I need to waite and find a WLAN spot where I can download the update before I can start online Co-op.

Oh damn that sucks. But good job on the progress. there are three bunkers I’m not able to access because of bugs unfortunately. But I believe I only need one more now which is to the east.
That sucks about the internet though. I spent $70 a month for 400 MB/s and I love it. I download most games in about 20 minutes lol

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Yes, to the East, that is the Marden Bunker I’m talking about.

“attention : Spoiler”
In case you are looking for it, I advise you to surch East of the Stensjön lake … :wink:
“Spoiler End”

I would love to get me a WLAN connection. The problem is rather Huge in my case. Literally, hehe.
I keep lizards as pets. Australian Frilled dragons and Chineese waterdragons to be precise. They are quite big. So in my Livingroom I have a terrarium of 4 Meter wide, by 2 Meter high and 1 Meter in depth. The ground is filled with a 30 cm sand and rock layer and there is a 125 Liter aquarium in there aswell for the waterdragon, and a lot of tree trunks. Unfortunately I was stupid enough at that time to build it in front of my WLAN/fixed-phone connection in my Appartment. So it will atleast take me one week to dissasemble this huge terrarium to allow acces for a company to instal WLAN, and also a week to rebuild it. Meanwhile I would have no housing for my lizards and they need heath, like 25° to 32° C.
So at the moment no WLAN for me. In long term I will have to find a solution for this however
cause gaming via 3G/4G hotspot connection via my mobile is starting to really cost a lot.

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