5 yr anniversary and beyond

Hello, First off I am a fan and do love the game and will take it good or bad or anything BUT I am gonna be honest . I am a little disappointed that the only thing we got really was weapon skins and more storage. Yet they are super cool I have each one currently using all of them and i have added more storage the community has been asking some begging and pleading for more story more missions and MORE island to explore even small ones like by the broken bridge at hmjfall …I know the devs know this and know we have been asking pleading for more island more places to explore so why dont they . I get its to fix stuff but slowly incorporate. And frankly im not the only one who feels like this but after a while its the same looting same places over and over and over i have prolly 3 or 4 of the same experimentals and 5 crowns and 2 or 3 of the 4 crowns TONS od adrenaline etc etc etc im rich as can be. LOL so im hoping for the BIG BIG update we get more than ust skins and giveaways. I hope one day but not in years from now they give us more island more places expand story etc… What yall think and you think they will in the near future ? Would love to hear some opinions .
Meantime keep up the great work and still a really cool fun unique game I do love it :smiley: