Well, concept is nice but it’s current purpose doesn’t fit that well with GZ lore.
You could say that it collects entire cars and fallen machines. But to shred and compress all that (mostly metal), means that there must be smelting foundry somewhere, to reuse the metal. So, it can be cast into new machine parts.
It doesn’t make much sense to collect the fallen machines to smelt them and then cast same machines out of it. It would be far easier just to replace blown components, to repair a machine, rather than make completely new machine.
Idea of vehicle mechanics isn’t bad, but your model render is too close to C&C3 GDI aircraft. Need to change the model up so no one gets slapped with a copyright
Bruh i just literally just used a teraform tool on a cube i realy dontcare some company goes “ ooo that has a quintessential look to my modle mine yoink”