A new ability idea

I was out walking one time and saw one of these comms (just search comms tower and you’ll get a nice idea of what i’m talking about) towers and thought to myself, that can be used in Generation Zero. So I was thinking that you guys over at the development team could implement a hacking ability. This means that you can climb up one of these comms towers or just stay at the bottom and hack the tower. This will allow you and potential friends you are playing with to see all robots in a predefined radius. I have talked to a couple of my friends that play the game as well, and they all are very positive about this idea.

Best regards, red

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Hacking is currently a specialism that can be obtained after 7 skill points

There is also additional perks that include distance, and enemy marking in red.

Hope this helps.

Yet it would be cool if they increased the abilities power

that is cool. It could be some kind of early warning system.

That would actually be really useful… and cool!!!

Hmmm… Hacking tower to harm enemies?
Where I’ve seen that?..

I think it would be useful, especially when you cant seem to find any machines. I find that happens to me sometimes, so it would be really nice to be able to find them. Or, even just check up on where they are , since we don’t have a minimap of any kind. But it could come at a price, like maybe you can only use it ounce a day, or it alerts them to your presence, regardless if you wanted them to or not.

Or maybe a couple new skill tree branches or master skill tree you get after beating the first one of which it enhances the skill you have right now or gives completely new ones take these examples

  1. A skill allowing you to hack seekers to alert you for robots or to be able to use them as scouts
  2. A skill allowing players to create their own adrenaline shots or decrease the rarity of them
  3. Maybe a skill that allows you to be able to harness more of the power of tanks like their gas bombs or maybe something that allows you to scrap their guns to make stronger guns like a new type you can only get from apocalyptic or FNIC class tanks or harvesters called FNIX, Apocalypse/Apocalyptic, or maybe something else
  4. A skill allowing you to scrap robots to create some kind of exosuit out of it or perhaps a kind of armor or blade, take the blades or weights that are at bunker 666 next to disguise mask that you can chop up smaller enemies with
  5. A skill that breaks the robots sensors allowing you to place something, shoot them as much as you can, or sneak by them or EMP them
  6. (I think there’s six skills) A skill that allows you to ___________________________________(you make something up below and I will say which I think fits best)

Just comment below here and I will say which I think would fit best or maybe you can vote here (I will make the topic)

Well, base building is going to be introduced into the game so there could be a skill added that would function as some kind of early warning system that you can implement, which does not deactivate, but has a limited area of affect. Maybe it would be upgradable, so that you can increase its range slightly.

It’s structure could consist of scavenged bot sensors.

Another skill could be to make your own melee weapons. For instance, the hunter blade. Ive also seen axes in things like tree stumps, but its never made sense to me as to why you cant pick them up and use them. So, that also could be implemented.

Those are all very good skill ideas but I feel like there would end up being bugs somehow

Well, yeah it would be pretty much unavoidable, because they would be new additions. Especially if they implemented making your own melee weapons. But, I think it would be worth it.

What do you think about it?