A request from player who deffinetly likes GZ

As a part of PS4 community I would like to see a patch for this platform. The plenty amount of bugs and glitches is annoying. Also this is impossible to get all the loot from locations or collectibles like gnomes, robot blueprints, etc. I watched your dev beta playthrough, also watched many streamers play beta, and thought that the game looks nice and interiors looks cosy, and bugs will be fixed, it’s only a beta. But when I bought released version, I was disappointed. The same amount of bugs and glitches are appear in the released versions like it was in beta year or something ago.
So, to summarize what I said previously, the game looks really great, but ingame feels mostly like a joke. I hope you will hear your players and try to fix this.

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The developer’s did say that they want to listen to players feedback and suggestions

Yeah, and give their players beta game without fixing anything on release. They must fix this obvious problems BEFORE they release the game, and try to do something cosmetic after, just cause players want a new hat or smthn. Right now that looks like Fallout 76 on release.