A resistance trader?

So its my thoughts that as we get multiple resistance bases there should be a trader guy who gives you missions to find scrap metal or wood etc for modules, attachments, guns whatever. He could also have a special shop for prestige points for special items and the prices would vary each day


I gotta mule for that mate.

, what’s you want stranger

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maybe have a clothes vendor for the clothes you still dont have yet using command points as currancy ?

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Stranger, stranger, stranger… now that’s a weapon!

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Like the idea of the trader.
Could exange some items for other items. Some items are much more needed than others.

With ratio exchange changing over time. (depending on his own needs)

It’d give us something to spend prestige points on. Right now they just accumulate.

“Rip Ya a New One.”
“What did you just say to me?”
“R-Y-N-O - Rip Ya a New One.”
“Why, that’s the most powerful missile launcher in the galaxy! I heard that it’s worth a lot of bolts! He must have stolen it from the Blarg!”

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