A Suggestion for a Pet Runner - Not Just Remote

I absolutely love the games you make - Generation Zero and Hunter: Call of the Wild are amazing! The worlds feel so realistic. With Gen Z I get lost for hours just exploring and scavenging! I just wanted to ask if there could be a way to create an option for a pet Runner? I solo a lot in the game! I have friends who are gamers but they didnā€™t catch the fever like me. Iā€™m way to hermit to play with just anybody so I thought the option of having a pet Runner would be amazing! When it sustains enough damage it could be dropped in a battle, but not killed. Severely injured needing repairs if dropped in a fight, capable of walking until repaired later. Something along those lines. I get in battles surrounded by Soviet and FNX bots and I think, man it would be nice to have one friend with me to help! Turrets die too quickly. So it would be nice if it was tough, not invincible, maybe upgradeable as time went on. Maybe it could even help carry! It may sound like other games, but none of them have the feel of the world as Gen Z! Having that one element would make it so complete!

I realize this may be a horrible idea or just not liked, but please let me know what you think. Iā€™d love to think thereā€™s even a slight chance this could be achieved. Iā€™m copying a link where a Steam discussion has been started about it and found that others have a mod that creates/enables such a thing. But Iā€™d rather have the real deal from you guys! Again please let me know even if thereā€™s no chance.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this!

Here is the linkā€¦

Could a pet Runner be included in the future? :: Generation ZeroĀ® General Discussions


Youā€™re certainly not the first. I think itā€™s an awesome idea if it could be implemented fully :slightly_smiling_face:

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This has been requested probably since the game went into ea, and I agree itā€™s a great idea if it could be done.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary.
But it sounds cool indeed.

It should be a basic runner with some bags on its sides at first (transport).

Later you could add different expansions, like a weapon of your choice or a spotting device that marks enemies. (you know the skill, that gives a bonus on shooting at marked enemies?)
Also it could act as mobile healing unit or as field radio.

But the expansions should be limited to 1 or 2 at a time.


I agree, itā€™s not necessary, but it would be fun!

Like - you donā€™t have to start out with it, but maybe something that could start as a mission to collect the parts from different parts of the world. In order to just build it at first. And if you donā€™t want it, its optional.

Again, for me, it would add something as I play solo and it could be something that has to be maintained and repaired. Iā€™d love it to be able to do the things you mentioned as well as if I wanted it to fight, maybe I have to supply the ammunition too.

Definitely just a runner and nothing more! A tank, or harvester would be too much! I definitely thank you for agreeing with me as it seems that many from Steam really respect your ideas! I just hope someone will be take this one into consideration! LOL

Really? Iā€™m not active in steam communities, so I donā€™t know.

What I like to keep in mind is that this should be absolutely lategame content. At the beginning there must be the feeling of being almost alone. The new intro missions are ok, but before it was way more mysterious.

I definitely agree! In fact I hope Iā€™m not spoiling it! The story had me wondering where these machines even came from! I loved that idea. I even hope it ties back into the idea that ā€¦ (well I donā€™t want to give anything away). Maybe you can decipher what I mean. I donā€™t want to spoil anything. But I loved the story and the game and definitely agree it should be towards the end or even after beating the story line that you could unlock it!

You may spoil.
If you like, you can use the ā€œHide detailsā€ - function. Itā€™s hidden behind the cogwheel. Just who wants to be spoiled can click it to reveal your spoiler.



I feel that a part of the story was starting to delve into an alien aspect. I thought that would be awesome! Maybe the idea or the mechanics used to achieve the AI was based on alien tech! I know that it was mentioned in a few places, but the story obviously leaned more towards it just being a program created by the military. I wasnā€™t certain myself which it was until I opened a container that had bunches of Runners inside. That told me they were manmade! But if they were alien, it gives me a bit of a creepy vibe. IDK why, but it just does. Just me! :slight_smile:

On a different note I thought it would be cool if you could come across machines that protected you. Maybe make them random and appear in just random places that wouldnā€™t attack the player, but other machines. I know the Soviet and FNIX fight each other, but then whoeverā€™s left turns on you. Itā€™d be cool maybe to have a random friendly. Again not many and it just be random where they pop up.

I know its been a while since anything was said on this and itā€™s more than likely not going to happenā€¦at least any time soon. But uhā€¦when can I expect my new pet?! LOL! JK! I thought I might just comment to get a bump on the topic, in case someone there might be an update someone could let me in on. If not, completely cool! :grin: :+1:


Sorry, I donā€™t mean to yell, but Iā€™m just so excited to see this in action! I hope we are all happy with it!

I wish all the best! :grin::grin::grin:


How did you convince them?
For 2 years ive been asking them for new islands to explore and areas with heavy machine presence and im still waiting :sweat_smile:

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While I truly wish I could take the credit, I believe they were already looking into the matter. I threw the idea out there and hoped it would take, but had heard that it was something that had been considered, but may not be the direction they were headed. Some even posted they hated the idea. I definitely donā€™t want this game turned into something that someone would hate. I just loved the idea and so did my daughter. So I hopped onto the forum and threw it out there!

It took time, but here it is! They are listening, but they donā€™t have a huge dev staff from my understanding. So if you posted somewhere, go bump the thread occasionally and see if they respond. Of course, donā€™t be a nuisance, but if they see its something that people want. Theyā€™re going to work it in! If you could post the link to the topic where you asked for new islands, link in this discussion and Iā€™ll be sure to hop in it! I love that idea!

Keep in mind, Iā€™m no dev but again, people throwing the voice at the same thing in time really helps. Oh, they also from time to time, send out or have surveys. I havenā€™t been privy to one yet, but I hear those help them get a feel for the peopleā€™s thoughts as well.

One side note - you probably have, but just in case, have you tried Alpine Unrest DLC? There are more machines and they are deadly! Just throwing that out there! :grin::+1:


I was joking :sweat_smile:
It was an old thread, you brought it back and it made sense to say something.
Feels good to get something we asked, even if its 2 years later :+1:

Ive been here since late 2019, i got all the DLCĀ“s, so yeh pretty much

I gotcha! :rofl::rofl: It would be awesome to say I had the power! But like you said, it was just timing! So many had been asking for it. Iā€™m so ready for it!

Awesome! Well link me the post for the request for more islands. I will definitely put in with that! Who knows, maybe weā€™ll be seeing that soon! ā€¦ But again, it wouldnā€™t be because of me, Iā€™m not that awesome! :grin::+1:

So many posts about the Islandsā€¦sorry but I dont even know where to startā€¦ :sweat_smile:

I found one!

Island Raids Event Idea

I threw my voice in on that! It makes since, that this would be a great idea to go next. We have missions that renew themselves now, and we have the companion coming, so next we need a place where we could just ravage machines!! :grin::+1:

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