Achievements still broken

Hey, sorry about that bug, I have PS4 pro, I do see all Trophies.

Same issue topics merged.


On PS4, EU digital version of the game, I traveled 90km on foot and the achievement did not unlock for me. Does fast traveling count towards distance traveled or did the game just bug to the point that I have to start over or something? I have seen many other people experiencing this same issue months before me. My PSN username is DemianGaming Here is a screenshot: image

Same issue topics merged.


Does distance covered also include bikes ?

Just wanted to add to the 90km on foot achievement.

After completing the campaign and getting all other achievements (Xbox One) I only had 90km left, even though the tracker says I travelled over 1100 km , mostly on foot.

In desperation I deleted my save and restarted the game. 5 hours later I had clocked up 91km and still nothing, so I closed the game down and restarted it. Now I was at 177.9km even though I hadn’t done anything.

Next day when I logged in it had gone up to 263.63km again with no movement in the game. Today it had gone up to 524.84km.

I think there is something wrong with the in game tracking … any ideas how to solve it

Thanks for any help

@Newton Many of the statistics counters in the game are completely off the rails, and not counting correctly. I have seen players who have walked millions of kilometers, which of course is impossible, considering that 1.000.000 km is the equivalent of walking around the earth 25 times… :wink:

Just the thought I would flag the tracking on “ distance travelled “ IS NOT counting travelling on the bike.

Part of me thinks this issue manifested itself after the bikes were available in game. Maybe if @SR_knivspark could shed some light on the whole tracking side - you may find the source of the problem.

Hey @AliasDJA :wave: and everyone else experiencing issues with the “Distance Traveled” statistic and unlocking the “Gustafsloppet” achievement/trophy!


A ticket has been created for investigating this issue and as soon as we can find the time we’ll look into it.

We appreciate that you have taken the time to share your experiences here in this topic as it’ll be helpful when we start looking at this. The info here + a link to this topic has been added to the ticket.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting :pray:

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Thanks for the response and lets hope we can sort it out.

If you need anymore info I’ll be happy to help where I can.

When I logged in this afternoon my distance had gone up by another 200km since I last logged out

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The achievement has just popped for me, having still done nothing since walking the 91km. Everytime I logged in the distance went up and when it popped I had reached a distance of 971.87km despite not leaving the start area.

At least its a game complete now and despite this issue I really enjoyed the game and would like to thank you all for a great gaming experience. In these times of limited travel it was fun to explore the fantastic scenery in the changing light and weather conditions.

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That’s interesting @Newton , glad to hear that the achievement unlocked for you (even if the statistics obviously is misbehaving and needs to be looked at).

Happy to hear that you have been enjoying the game and exploring it’s world, I’ll make sure to forward this to the team! <3

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Can you please check/fix, “Running Wild - Use a melee weapon to blow up 20 cars.” achievement on xbox.
It looks like it got bugged after december update. If i check statistics for this achievement on then nobody has unlocked it since 6th december, myself including.

Thanks and very nice game btw!

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I just wanted to update everyone on the Gustafsloppet trophy/achievement since I managed to unlock it just now. This can help the devs also to troubleshoot it :slight_smile:

It seems that when you start the game, everything is counted properly until something happens and the counter stops. I can’t say when that happens (either when you die or fast travel most likely). When this happens you must quit out of the game to resume the counter.

You may have noticed that everytime you resume your game (only if you have quit out of the game completely) a what seems to be a random number is added to the stats page. At first I thought that this was the number of steps taken during the glitch. I assumed that the game was still counting, just not in real time and that number was added later. I was wrong. That number are the actual steps taken when the counter is not glitched. Let me explain with an example.

You notice at some point that the counter is not increasing anymore. Before you quit the game, write down the number you see on the stats page. Let’s say it is 900 km. Quit, start again and make a step. Check the stats page again. The number now is 935.24. Substract 900 from it and you will receive your actual steps for the trophy. In this case 35.24. If you do not believe me, just quit to main menu again (you must always first quit to main menu and then out of the game for the stats to be recorded properly. I tried to quit to the PS4 dashboard once and nothing happened). You will see that the number will increase with exactly 35.24 again or 35.25 if you have taken a few steps the previous time.

So there you go. When you get that difference to 90, this is when you will unlock the trophy. Just tested it and it worked for me. I might be wrong in my logic, of course, but as long as it works :smiley:

PS: Only Running Wild is trully and really broken :frowning: Everything else works as it should. I should know since I started the game 3-4 days ago and haven’t played it before that :smiley:

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Hello everyone,
I also have a problem with the “Gustafsloppet” trophy on PS4 (playing it on PS5).
When I use “fast travel” the counter stops. After restarting the game it counts again.
I got the 90 km now but not the trophy. What can I do? Thank you very much! PS-Account is “PS_Philipp”.:blush:

Hello everyone,
I got the trophy one day after I reported the issue. When I was starting the game around 92 km the trophy popped up. Maybe after your counter has 90 km you have to restart the game.

Thanks for your informations

Hello all,

Just wanted to report I’m having issues with two achievements on Xbox as well, Not today, FNIX, have killed 10 rivals and no achievement, and also the one for climbing 3 lighthouses, climbed my third last night and no achievement, please help!

To get the Not Today FNIX achievement, you must own the FNIX Rising DLC. Without it, you wont get the achievement

Gotcha, thanks for that, not sure why I’m not getting the other one though


Description:i can’t seem to get achievments like. Not Today FNIX.
From a Distance. Light My Fire.

Steps To Reproduce:can’t

Images / Videos:nope

Host or Client:no

Players in your game:only me

Specifications:CPU. AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor.GPU. GTX 970. ram 24 gb.