Can we have more draw distance options and a render resolution scale setting please. or does anyone know if there are config tweaks to do this? cant find much on this engine…
I run at 1080p and 60hz but have a system capable of running GZ at 100fps+ , id like to be able to turn the internal resolution scale up (helps with aliaising) and a view/draw distance option. (with the 8x16 scope sometimes you will see enemies go out of the draw distance and just dissapear.
(i dont use the nvidia DSR because it is inferior to a games internal setting as it makes the whole image incredibly blury)
Machine draw-in distance is 400m from you. And when they do walk further out and disappear from your view, it doesn’t mean they despawn. They are still there and if you shoot at nothingness (their last seen spot), you can hit and kill them, since bullets travel very far (at least 850m confirmed by me in MP game).
However, view distance limitation is most likely due to the console’s hardware limitation since already GZ is borderline game for consoles and consoles struggle with the game (especially when there are a lot of machines around the player). Increasing the view distance (also, giving players the ability to do so) can make consoles crash completely when the setting is increased.
It’s devs decision to keep same version of game across all platforms. That also translates into what settings players can and can not change.
I, personally, also think that PC players shouldn’t be held back by console hardware limitations and i hope as well, that someday, PC players have more freedom regarding graphical settings.
As far as i’m aware of, there is no way to change draw-in distance on PCs. Perhaps there is some mod that can do it but discussion of game modding is forbidden in official GZ forum and in official GZ discord.
Since GZ uses Apex engine and latter isn’t open-source (e.g like Unreal engine is), any other modification outside of the Systemic Reaction (new name of Avalanche Studios) is considered modding and can’t be discussed here.