After Base Assault update - Bugs, glitches, crashes

Can anyone confirm, that the amount of rivals is independent from the amount of fnix bases?

For a reaper you mustn’t have 8 rivals in the same region. Maybe it’s the same with fnix bases?

Does anyone have 8 rivals in forest region AND active fnix bases?

It’s hard to confirm anything, since they never spawn (for me). :sweat_smile: They don’t spawn at 0 rivals, don’t spawn at 3-5 and haven’t yet spawned with 8.

I got 2 bases right in the beginning - think I had 3-5 rivals then. And I don’t think the number of rivals has any impact on FNIX bases - but I’m eagerliyy awaiting some dev response on this…

yes it works with all rivals

Coop via Gamepass (PC): Clients nade launcher hits do not register and no explosion on impact. Only host does damage

Some possible good news.



For which issue exactly? :wink:

I would assume base defense and base assault spawn issues.


I’ve found that tanks of all types can easily get stuck if the player moves out of their view range and escape combat. Like they walk into the side of a mountain that can’t be climbed, walk up onto a shipping container and get stuck, until the player comes into view again and starts a battle. When they are stuck like that, they cause this very annoying moving/grinding sound that doesn’t go away unless you move out of the range of the noise or they despawn.

tank stuck grinding noise

There’s a hotfix out on Steam now that should fix the Base Assault spawnrate and remove the erroneous War Figurines from the log. A console hotfix will be “available shortly”.


Even tho not mentioned in patch notes, base defence also appears to be functional as well.


Good to know. I was wondering why it wasn’t mentioned. Hopefully it comes to PS4 soon.

Really hope they can get a hotfix out for assignments too at some point. They’ve been busted since just after Landfall.

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Ok FNIX bases spawn now. :+1: Command points are still on the individual character, not on the account - hope this will be fixed soon.

Now “we” wait for the fix to arrive to the PS4.
Maybe in the next 15 days?
Lets see…

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There are also some changes for Playstation, I guess.

In my friends game we got two fnix bases today.
And I saw a change in the fmtel room at the airport safehouse.

Until yesterday there always was a box under the table and a backpack on the chair. They’re gone, but there are some other new boxes. I wonder what they also changed…

Hum? Are you sure?
The update was only for PC

I thought that, too.
But I could bet that some of the fixes/updates they made were server-side and not just client-side.

I just don’t know if they really can change the location of loot-boxes completly without releasing an update.

Can anyone confirm the changed boxes at the airport safehouse?

Never had that loot container arrangement at the Airport safehouse in my game so no, no changes at all for me.

To my knowledge that would require a main update, not a server side update. Since, from what i know, server side update are mostly just stuff such as the apparel events we get whereas yhe main updates get the world changed.

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That’s why I’m wondering…

I took a look at my game a few minutes ago.
On the following screenshots you see how the safehouse at the airfield looks for me.
There is an ammo-box under the table and a backpack on the chair, which weren’t there in my friends game.
Additionally there are two boxes missing which were there in my friends game.

In the nearby structure with the locked doors the boxes were at different places in his game than in my game, too.

Both playing on ps5.

It happens from time to time when we play on Ps4 that there is a box for me in a place but not for my friend and the opposite. Has been like that for a long time. But it’s not that often it happens.