After May Update

I does force you to explore the majority of the world to find what is necessary for you to survive and to an extent I like that. It imposes you to value what little you find as rather significant overall.

sorry if i misunderstood you , was trying to help.

Thatā€™s okay. Donā€™t worry about it. :wink:

Well ive tried playing and since the May update , it just is not any fun anymore ,boxes are empty most of the time ,and even after 3 days of not playing loot not respawning in places ive been ,so just a little Tipp to the Dev,s i would get this loot thing sorted guys asap otherwise you will loose alot of community Fast

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The four hour in-game loot timer is a complete lie, Iā€™ve got 12 hours in game on 1.06 and not a single item has respawned. Nothing, as in the entire map is empty at this pointā€¦

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O well just throw the keyboard/controller at the monitor that shall give you some machine kills. Im Joking where on the same boat. Same thing world is empty for me.

Now, all the colored box are empty. Multiplayer fail to work. Plenty of crash reports. Impossible to play.

Unfortunately this is a bug for some players. The loot is supposed to respawn after 4 in game hours :slight_smile: