Am I the only one who fast travels between Churches looking for nearby Tanks (and more importantly their multiple waves of Hunter summons) when they are running low on smmo and supplies / heals?
I do it once a level when my bar is 2/3s to 3/4s full to level up and re-up my supplies as well as work towards my tank killing trophy.
It’s gotten all the easier with my Survivor (I think) Specialization giving me one free self revive per combat.
Yeah it is cheesing. I hope they add a feature where they can enter the buildings. Runners mostly. Maybe hunters can go in barns. But right now gas is the only sure fire way to get smoked out of a house.
@MarkNcheese42 this is true. Hey did you get the blinding angelic white light glitch in Fort Torsberga? I got it last night while doing that mission and had to do 85 percent of mission looking down scope of a 1-4 times zoom X-ray rifle scope (not on a bat ).
When in need of supplies, I spend some time scrounging around, but not at random. I travel to locations where I know I can find what I need, such as military locations for 5.56 ammunition.
Btw GZ’s loot system gives ammo based on the weapons you are carrying most of the time. I only use the AI-76 and my ammo for it hardly ever drops below 9k. That’s with me fighting everything and anything I see.
“Maybe hunters can go in barns”
Yeah, I’ve had Hunters drop in on my head, while in barns. I’ve had Ticks jump through open doors of Church’s, I’ve had hunters (one time 3 of them) show up in kitchens and dogs upstairs. I’m not sure how they do it, I’ve closed every door going outside, but I’ll be in a room and suddenly I’m being shot in the back by a dog that wasn’t there 5 seconds earlier…