Ammo schematic locations

I just got a 5* COM-10 and just realized that 9mm explosive rounds exist and would kindly request the location if anyone knows it, or any other 6* ammo recipe.

In the world there are just standard ammo schematics with 1c.

The explosive 9mm ammo is a 6c ammo schematic which just can be obtained by making base defense missions. With every base defense you get a reward of some ressources you can’t find in the world (i. e. Uranium) and an experimental ammo/item schematic.

Ah… And there are no ammo schematics for 2c to 5c.

No, there are in-world schemataics for 2* clothing as well :wink:

…oh, too quick. I thought you were talking about clothes :sweat_smile:

It’s the three* clothing I can never find, so I have heaps of 5* and can’t get up there…