Amount of Shots Needed to Blow Up Cars

This might be an absolutely useless thread, but I have decided to share some notes I have on the amount of shots needed to blow up a car in game. I spent my afternoon cataloging this so feel free to share the shots needed to blow up a car with other guns, so I don’t need to spend another afternoon doing this :slight_smile: . If you want to share you have to catalog the shots by shooting the car’s bonnet at point-blank range, in order to keep the information consistent.

Anyway, here’s the guns I tested:

  • 17 shots to bonnet with any tier Magnus with any type of .44 caliber ammunition
  • 1 shot to bonnet with all tiers of Pansarvärnsgevär 90 with any type of .50 caliber ammunition
  • 8 shots to bonnet with all tiers of HP5 with any type of 9mm ammunition
  • 8 shots to bonnet with all tiers of Automatgevär 5 with any type of 5.56 caliber ammunition
  • 13 shots to bonnet with all tiers of Klaucke 17 with any type of 9mm pistol ammunition
  • 1 shot to bonnet with any type of shotgun and any type of shotgun ammunition
  • 5 shots to bonnet with any type of Krispt SMG and with any type of 9mm ammunition

By the way, I’m playing on the PS4 so some values might be slightly different. I was also surprised that the type of ammunition or tier of the weapon didn’t influence how many shots to the bonnet was needed to make the car explode.

Note: skills you have that increase damage only increase damage to machines, and not things in the environment including cars.


1 shot with any gun. Here is how you do it:

Step 1: place gas canister by car

Step 2: shoot canister with gun of your choice

Step 3: enjoy the explosion :grinning:


Thanks :slight_smile: . The reason why I didn’t use grenades, the rocket launcher, or gas tanks was because I knew they’d just instantly make the car explode. The reason I made this thread was just because I was really bored and just started shooting cars. :smiley:


I’m a bit bored too. I’ll try to shot a seagull … it is Saturday evening and I want to treat myself to something other than canned food. (Pssst, developers … your gamers are getting bored … they are shooting cars and seagulls …)


The game for me at least is not really all that boring, it was just the thing I was doing in the game that was a bit dull. I’m currently waiting for a patch for the game and in the meantime I’m farming tanks for weapons. It gets boring pretty quickly, but it is rewarding though. :slight_smile:

If I remember correct it also takes more than 6 shots with the Magnus to blow up the small white electrical box on the outside of the houses. There you can really waste your ammo.

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I don’t think the game is boring, altough i long for when more missions come along. Until then i make my own missions, like ”go to Klinte and clear it from enemies”. And i have to get there by bike. Let me tell you that it’s easier said than done. The final clearing of the town is often a walk in the park compared to the trip.:blush: and some times i can’t help ringning the bell.:sweat_smile:


Besides doing like you, @Eastman, I’ve tried to find places, that was previously unknown to me. That gave me three new safe houses when I thought I’d found them all. I also discovered the caves at Annagruva. But I seriously doubt that there is much more for me to find now. So I’ll shot seagulls :wink:


I think your post would be more complete if you would also list the character skills you have.

As some of them increase your damage output, so I guess that has influence on the amount of shots needed to destroy world objects too. =)

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Funny enough, if you open the door on a car and then shoot the door, the car still blows up.

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What I do when I’m bored is go to the airbase take all the gas canisters from the warehouses, and find fun ways to ragdoll. Like off cliffs or trying to get on top of buildings.

So I took this reply into consideration, and decided to test this. I created a fresh lvl 1 character and took the same weapons from a plundra, and all the values of the weapons I tested were the same. So I guess the skills that increase your damage only apply to robots, and not things in the environment. :slight_smile:

Referring the the first post, does everyone understand what a bonnet is?

1 shot to interior also works, there is still this weird inventory closes bug going on PC. So i shot the car while in multiplayer looting it. Both players exploded. :smiley:

Bonnet is another word for the hood of the car.

Edit: I make a habit of not looting cars with the shotgun out :boom:


Did you get their stuff? :smiley:

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Just wondering, bonnet is not the word we use there in the US.

Played with a friend, so no need to steal their “stuff”. And my group play style is collate loot. Use different weapons to share ammo load & expenditure. :smile:

Just joking :wink: Forgot a smiley, sorry.

HP5 and an AG5 shouldn’t be the same, by any stretch of the imagination - one is low velocity, the other high… More punch. Curious…

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