'Another Castle' Radio missing

So I finally decided to get around to doing some of the quests that I have but the radio to finish the mission isn’t there. The lights are on and I can go through most of the doors except for two that are still locked and the generator is turned off. I did complete the mission with a friend awhile ago and I do have the recording in my logs.

Hey there,

don’t worry about the locked doors as nobody has been able to open them yet.

If the radio / radio message appears within your log, maybe you’ve missed another collectible which prevents you from finishing the mission (there are five collectibles in total assigned to “Another Castle”).

Have a further look here:

By the way, the mission progression system (when mixing solo and multiplayer sessions) is broken at times. I still don’t get why this hasn’t been fixed within the last 15 months, but who am i to know.

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Start the mission, then exit game. Reload with new character, and is should refresh.

The issue here, as mentioned is tracking between solo, and multiplayer.


I’ve poked the devs about this issue, just in case.


So all the way points came back and as it turns out the radio was in a completely different room. I would like to apologize and thank you for you help.


With issue solved, i’ll close this topic.
