Any way to replay the triggered audio of the end mission?

I was playing with friends and lagging a bit behind on the end mission. they ran ahead and the final monologue was cut a little short. idk why this was, maybe different trigger points based on player location, but the end audio sounded like there was more to it but was cut short by the end credits.

without giving spoilers, is there any way I can replay it or must I host the end mission to hear it again?

What that mission name was?

As far as narrative goes, some of them you can listen again, if you open Log, select the correct mission and look for Mission Items at the bottom right. E.g cassette recordings, radio transmissions. What you can not listen again, are NPC chatter to you, over walkie-talkie, during the mission.

I dont remember the name, but it was right before the credits. I will probably just host it in solo just to explore it more.

So it must have been this one:

Video spoiler

Generation Zero - The End - Behind the Curtain (SPOILERS) - YouTube

thanks, I must have gotten it all then, the explosion was just very close to fnix finishing that sentence.