Approaching dead machines causes player to take damage

Xbox Series X

Sometimes after killing a machine the player takes damage when approaching to loot it. Usually it happens with ticks but I’ve had it happen with the larger machines too.

Steps To Reproduce:
Not sure. It seemingly happens at random.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client:

Players in your game:

Note: This occurrence was while playing solo but I’ve had it in multiplayer too. Sometimes the same machine might damage all players and sometimes one player might be unaffected while others take damage.

¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

This happens to me as well, on PC Steam version.

Yesterday I had some fun with 2 Tanks and 4 Wolfs in one spot.
One of the Wolfs gave me damage similar to gas damage when I got to close… and one more thing - it was almost invincible. Bullets did barely any damage.

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Can also confirm that this takes place on my pc (Steam) version. There seems to be a radius around a downed machine that burns as if in fire and also there is a notice of a combat. Spamming heals and retreating to a short distance away the pain stops and the combat is cancelled (ran away).
Will attach video if I can reproduce.

Platform: PC (Steam)

Description: Damage area surrounding downed machine

Steps To Reproduce: Take a machine out (FNIX or Russian, both can do it) and attempt to pick its dead pockets

Images / Videos: (will update when I capture it)

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: One (myself)

Specifications:AppName" value=“GenerationZero_F
AppVersion” value=“1.0.0
CommandLine” value=“I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GenerationZero\GenerationZero_F.exe
CpuBrand” value=" Intel(R) Core™ i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz
CpuCount" value=“4
CpuFreq” value=“10000000
CpuVendor” value=“GenuineIntel
GpuDriverDate” value=“10-6-2021
GpuDriverVersion” value=“
MemorySize” value=“34341339136
MemorySizeFree” value=“30711574528
MetricsSendEnabled” value=“True
NumVideoCards” value=“1
OsVersion” value=“10.0 Build: 19044
VideoCard” value="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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Happened just a few hours ago while slaughting gnome-ticks. The last three ones of them had an interaction icon while running around…after destruction I wasn’t able to loot them but took heavy damage when I got close to them.

As promised earlier, I have a video of it happening :

Jump to 3 minutes in to get straight to it and not have to watch my poor gameplay!